Discos In Bombay

This topic was created by me
[Sat 22 May, 14:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We are two young females in our mid-twenties ,and would like
to know about the disco scene in Bombay.
Are women going to receive queer looks ,if they head out on
their own? I read that at some place you won't be let in
,unless you show up with a male companion,or is that the
other way round?
Also,what is the dress code like ? Is it okay to wear
something short and a little more reavealing when heading
out somewhere in the evening?
And what are the best Discos with Hindi music in Bombay ?
Sorry for asking so many questions!:-)
I hope you can help us with some.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 23:17]

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  1. Bombay Clubs Added by: BH
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You won't find any clubs in Bombay that play a lot of Hindi
    music, maybe one song a night. The scene does not really
    get going until about 11:00 or so. Most bars close by
    12:30 and everyone moves on to two or three bars that are,
    for some reason, allowed to stay open until 3:00 or 4:00.
    Some cool places to go are Copa Cabana (located on Marine
    Drive, tries to be latin), Ghetto (Warden Road, a college
    kind of bar), or Geofrey's (Marine Drive in the Marine
    Plaza Hotel - English pub type thing). The three main bars
    open late are Three Flights Up (near the Taj hotel), HQ,
    Fashion Bistro, and 1900s (in the Taj Hotel)
    You can pretty much wear whatever you want, though western
    women do get stared at quit a bit. Don't worry about
    having a guy along in order to get in.

  2. See you there! Added by: Angie (unde0086@mtsu.edu)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was wondering the exact same thing! I hope we get some
    more responses, because I want to shake a leg in Mumbai! I
    have heard that 1900s in the Taj Mahal is "the place" to
    go, but I was not sure what to wear either.
    When will you two be there? I will be there June 1-3 with
    a group of about 10 students from the States, so it will be
    easy to spot us. Might you all be there at the same time?
    If so, let us know where you plan to go. Have fun!

  3. IN the TAj MAhal? Added by: umm
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just a quick point. You're unlikely to find a disco in the
    Taj Mahal, as it's a mausoleum. You probably mean the Taj
    Hotel, Mumbai.

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