Info on Pakistan

This topic was created by Ed (
[Mon 24 May, 15:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'll be traveling into Pakistan from the KKH. I'm looking
into visiting Peshawar and the Khyber Pass. Unfortunately,
I hold an American passport (although I look Chinese). Does
anyone have any info on recent safety issues in the area?

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 3:04]

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  1. tough Added by: bob cheese
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Ed
    Looking Chinese is no excuse for holding a US passport.
    Burn it is your best bet. Or take it with you and make sure
    you have a lot of room in your pants.
    Happy bonfire

  2. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush... Added by: Grey Flannel
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    People tend to overblow the problems an American passport
    can bring you. I've traveled extensively in Northern
    Pakistan on various occasions, never bothering to be
    anything but upfront about it(U.S. passport), and never had
    any problems. In fact, getting a Pakistan visa in Delhi was
    a lot easier and less expensive than the Brit in line ahead
    of me. It boils down to how you, personally, deal with the
    officialdom you come into contact with (though I'm not above
    avoiding contact with officialdom). Khyber Pass? Sure,
    you can get a permit to go to the edge, even with a U.S.
    passport, takes a few hours for the paperwork to clear -
    they just require that you go with an armed guard. I got
    one(permit), then promptly went on my own. Wrapped up in
    shalwar qamiz, shawl and topi, with a few days scruff and
    several months of tan, no one gave me a second glance as I
    hopped a series of local buses. At the several checkpoints
    the bus stopped at, the soldiers never glanced at me, nor
    asked for identification. I turned back before Michni, but
    well after the point my pass was good for. Learn a few
    words of grunted Urdu, don't flash a camera or guide book,
    and you've got a good chance of getting all the way to the
    border. If you wanted to cross, you'd need a visa from the
    Taliban, which is tricky. As far as being of Chinese
    descent, I have no idea how that would affect your chances.

    For reference, this info is @ 11 months old.

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