One more point on Kashmir

This topic was created by T.
[Tue 25 May, 0:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

One more point on Kashmiris:
I think it is important to remember that the Kashmiri
people started acting like "cheats" well before the ravages
of polical warfare affected the region. Here is a quote
from Frederic Drew, written in 1875, attesting to this
very sad reality:
"In character the Kashmiris have many failings and faults,
but they also have qualities which make one to be
interested in them and to like them. They are false-
tongued, ready with a lie, and given to various forms of
This character is more pronounced with them than with most
of the races in India. They are noisy and quarrelsome,
ready to wrangle but not to fight, on the least exercise of
force they cry like children. They have indeed a wide
reputation for being faint-hearted and cowardly....." -
taken from the LP Kashmir, Ladakh, and Zanskar 1989
edition, pg. 50.
Unfortunately, it still holds true to this very day. How
many "houseboat" victims exist out there???

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 9:03]

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  1. Scam artists Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with everything you say here. As I've mentioned
    before, I was subject to a scam. I was forced to purchase a
    carpet from a "cousin" of a the houseboat owner where I
    lived. The sold me a nice silk carpet, which was
    packed and mailed to my home directly. On geting there, I
    realized that they had done the famous 'bait and switch' and
    switched it for an inferior woolen carpet that was fraction
    of the cost. (They were all involved in the scam because
    the houseboat owner was the one who mailed it to me.)
    Additionally, whenever I went out for a walk, a couple of
    them would start walking with me and ask me to come with
    them to see some handicrafts. I'd ignore them, and they
    would persist. Couple of times I started to run away and
    they started chasing me. I just could not get away from the
    assholes. It's a pity that such a beautiful place is
    littered with such asshole of a population. And to those
    who blame it on the security condition, give it a rest. I
    was there before and the people were the SAME. After this
    political problem started, every other day there was some
    protest or other and everything would be closed. In my
    opinion, the Kashmiri's are just whiny bastards who blame
    everything wrong on India.

  2. Scam artists Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with everything you say here. As I've mentioned
    before, I was subject to a scam. I was forced to purchase a
    carpet from a "cousin" of a the houseboat owner where I
    lived. The sold me a nice silk carpet, which was
    packed and mailed to my home directly. On geting there, I
    realized that they had done the famous 'bait and switch' and
    switched it for an inferior woolen carpet that was fraction
    of the cost. (They were all involved in the scam because
    the houseboat owner was the one who mailed it to me.)
    Additionally, whenever I went out for a walk, a couple of
    them would start walking with me and ask me to come with
    them to see some handicrafts. I'd ignore them, and they
    would persist. Couple of times I started to run away and
    they started chasing me. I just could not get away from the
    assholes. It's a pity that such a beautiful place is
    littered with such asshole of a population. And to those
    who blame it on the security condition, give it a rest. I
    was there before and the people were the SAME. After this
    political problem started, every other day there was some
    protest or other and everything would be closed. In my
    opinion, the Kashmiri's are just whiny bastards who blame
    everything wrong on India.

  3. racial slurs Added by: Chuckles
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    These racial slurs are common in the English (british)
    travel literature of the nineteenth century, and are
    meaningless because you can find such slurs about
    practically any group other than the English themselves. Try
    looking for 19th century quotes about about the Irish, the
    French, the Italians...

  4. Never been Added by: Tabitha
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You've obviously never dealt with Kashmiris or visited
    Kashmir, or you wouldn't be making such an uninformed,
    ignorant statement. Kashmiris are a disgrace to

  5. This is How Wars are Started...... Added by: Dachin
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All of this sounds like racism to the nth degree--how can
    anyone be so judgmental of a whole society, based on a few
    bad experiences? I've been to Kashmir, stayed on
    houseboats, been "chased" by Kashmiri salesmen, confronted
    them in all parts of India, and have not come away with a
    bad taste in my mouth--those who want to be "scammed" will
    be scammed--you cannot judge someone's culture by the way
    YOU react to their advances--learn about their lifestyles
    and problems before you accuse them! They react the way
    they think you expect them to--have you ever tried laughing
    with them? Try reacting to them with a different attitude--
    you might be surprised.......

  6. Excuse me , I ll tell you 1 thing... Added by: victim # 999...
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Five fingers not all the same... Did you here that sentence
    more than 500 times, always pronounced by the one, the
    Kashmeri that was supposed to be the only honest one ( I
    mean, just before he cheated you, and me, and the others...)
    Just a big warning to women only travellers: Dont go to
    Kashmir alone , or unaccompanied by a man or several of your
    own culture: it is not a safe place, a japanese has been cut
    in Delhi in eight pieces, after having wanted to make a
    complaint against the Kashmiri Travel Agency... These guys
    are good guys, said a Kashmiri, speakink of the Barbaric
    Come On ! Get away from that place, that is not Paradise,
    but entrance to Hell !!! And this is absolutely not as
    beautiful as many places of India!!!
    Sincerely yours
    Victim # 999

  7. Kashmir as a holiday destination Added by: MT
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why, if the Kashmiris are cheats, preyers of women,
    murderers etc have so many thousands and thousands of people
    visited and revisited Kashmir since before the time of the
    British raj? Unless they were gluttons for punishment I
    guess they went there as I did because it had a well
    deserved reputation as a wonderful holiday and or travel
    destination. I had a fantastic 4 weeks there - which I
    considered a rest from some 4 months travelling in India.
    Admittedly I was in Kashmir before the current crisis.
    I don't believe you should target Kashmir. Scam merchants
    are a fact of life in most popular travel destinants -
    tourists who are less than alert also get ripped off in
    South America, Asia, the US and in just about every capitol
    city of Europe.

  8. about qouting "expert's" opinions... Added by: meli nao
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "... (the black race)have a natural tendency towards savage
    life and a civilization incapability" Robert Lansing USA
    Segretary of State 1920's
    "Blacks of Haiti are an inferior race, incapable of
    maintaining the civilization the French colonizers left in
    their country (Haiti)" William Philips, one of the brains
    behind the Haiti invasion of 1915
    " slaves have such flat noses that it is almost
    impossible to feel pity for them. It's unthinkable that
    wise God had placed a soul, and especially a good soul, in
    a body entirely black" Montesquieu, France
    "... blacks have a small brain compared to the entire size
    of their bodies" Encyclopedia Britannica, until 1964 edition
    good enough??? .. just remember the "white men's burden"
    philosophy abound during last century and part of the
    1900's (but it looks alive in this posting)... the white
    colonizers had the duty to bring civilization to the
    inferior races: indians, blacks, native americans, chinese
    ... so exploting their labour and natural resources was the
    obvious payment these ⁿntermensch had to rightfully give to
    their wise masters
    para el pueblo lo que es del pueblo
    Tomßs el Sudaca

  9. white man's burden Added by: ar
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    bravo! tomas

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