Kathmandu to Lhasa

This topic was created by adrian
[Mon 24 May, 7:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This question has no doubt been asked before but is not in
the current list of topics.
What is the current situation for individual travellers
wanting to go overland from Nepal to Tibet. If you must
travel in a group, how and where do you arrange this and
about how much should it cost.
Once in Lhasa is it preferable to bus or fly to Chengdu
price and comfort wise.
thanks, Adrian

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 2:04]

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  1. Last year Added by: ah
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Last year I went from Lhasa to Kathmandu and from what I
    heard in Kathmandu no individual travellers would be issued
    with a visa for China/Tibet. Don't know how much a "tour"
    would cost. We bussed into Lhasa from the North of China
    (can't remember the name of the place but at the time it
    was the only place you could get the bus to Lhasa from) and
    it took 30 hours and was not overly comfortable. We were
    lucky though in that our bus did not break down going over
    the 5,000m passes which happened to a few people I spoke to
    who arrived in Lhasa after us.
    Good luck.

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