Bangaldesh - worth a look ?

This topic was created by alex (A.J.Holroyd-Smith)
[Thu 20 May, 6:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am thinking about going to Bangladesh on my way through
Assam to Culcutta. Can anyone make any recommendations
about what to expect etc. Thanks.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 14:03]

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  1. shoondor! Added by: Jenn (jenn_bandringa@canaccord,com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that's Bangali for beautiful......
    I lived in Dhaka for 4 months and up north for 5 months
    this past year. It was an awesome experience and I can't
    wait to go back again! To be honest, it was probably the
    hardest time of my life, but the best as well. Being a
    single woman (I travelled with 4 other women doing health
    care) it wasn't easy by any means, but the people
    themselves made the difference. The Bangalis living in the
    slums are some of the nicest, and honest-face-valued people
    I've ever met. The treat you like royalty........ As for
    much to see??? Not really. Not like we would look for in
    western travel destinations. But the cities are an
    experience in themselves and the countryside is full of
    people as well. There is beauty in anything if you look
    for it.......... : )
    Bangladesh is dirty and hot and smelly at times, but that
    makes the memories and builds the love for the country and
    its people...
    If you can, I'd totally recommend going through it!
    you can contact me by e-mail if you have any more questions!

  2. correction...... Added by: Jenn
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    above e-mail is supposed to be:

  3. People great/"sights" limited Added by: Relater
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 14:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I tend to agree with Jenn that the highlight of any trip to
    Bangladesh is meeting the people. This clearly takes time
    - through work as a volunteer or as an expat who get
    around. If you're just passing through, I have the
    following suggestions (based on living there for three
    years): Dhaka: pretty unpleasant aesthetically (there's
    an old Mughal fort downtown and a couple of Raj era
    buildings and the Parliament building) - but fascinating
    for the sheer number of people all trying to make a go of
    it under very difficult circumstances. If you had a little
    more time, you might want to see Chittagong (ship breaking
    is one of the most amazing sites in S. Asia) or you could
    go to Comilla (Buddhist ruins) or Paharpur (ditto).
    Getting into the Sundarbans (UNESCO site and giant mangrove
    forest/tigers) takes time. If you have only a limited
    amount of time, then definitely get out of Dhaka and get on
    a country boat or steamer and really see the country.

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