May/June - weather advice

This topic was created by Geraldine (
[Wed 26 May, 11:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm planning a trip to India next may/june - I would go at
a more "weather appropriate time" but I have time
restraints. My question involves the weather during this
period in the North vs. the South. How hot? How rainy?
If I go early enough in May will I miss the beginning of
the monsoons in either locale? Please respond with advice.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:28]

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  1. heat and the monsoon Added by: ar
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the monsoon reaches kerala (the southern coast) by end may
    and moves up north. it reaches delhi the 1st/2nd week of
    july. with this you can get an idea of the rate at which it
    the north is much hotter than the south, although the south
    is more humid. northern india has dry heat. the hottest
    months are may and june - temps go uptp 45-48 degrees. this
    year delhi was upto 45 degrees end of april! the hottest
    april in like a 100 years!

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