india-nepal-india overland

This topic was created by Pete Savage (
[Tue 25 May, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm hoping to go from calcutta - darjeeling, entering nepal
from the east. Is this possible/ any recommendations?
also i'm planning to leave via the west and onto delhi
maybe. any advice would be appreciated.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 2:56]

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  1. Calcutta-Darjeeling-Nepal Added by: Giffney (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Pete!
    We took the train from Calcutta to Darjeeling in Oct. '97
    and it was the ONLY train ride I enjoyed. It was cool and
    we slept most of the way. The train stops in New
    Jaipulaguri-the middle of nowhere really, a station in the
    midst of a dusty valley. When we got off the train, there
    were tons of rickshaw drivers wanting to take us to the
    jeeps that take you up the mountain to the Darjeeling hill
    station. The only thing that sucked about the jeeps is that
    they are diesel and on the way up (which takes about 4
    hours) the fumes are terrible. I wouldn't take
    the toy train-narrow guage train. It sounds
    really cool but takes twice the amount of time. Darjeeling
    is really wonderful though. I believe the jeeps are the
    only way up to Darjeeling. After a few days there, we took
    the jeeps back down. The jeeps stop and you take a rickshaw
    who goes about 500 ft. as you cross the Nepal border into
    Siliguri. We found an air-conditioned restaurant across from
    the bus terminal that was a god-send in the dusty warm
    valley. The buses are really tight so we bought the
    equivalent of four seats per person. There were 3 of us so
    we just bought tickets for the entire front cabin where the
    driver sat. I highly recommend that if you go by bus. It
    took us something like 17 hours. It sounds grueling but was
    very exotic and adventurous. AS far as going to New Dehli
    from Nepal-we flew so I can't help you there. Good Luck!

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