Thanks Argy...

This topic was created by monique
[Wed 19 May, 6:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Would you recommend a quick visit to Sri Lanka? I hear the
political climate is pretty heavy at the moment. Do you
know if this is still the case. It looks so beautiful and

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 2:56]

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  1. Go! Added by: SL Fan
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is indeed a war going on in the North and East of Sri
    Lanka between Tamils and Sinhalese. Both sides should be
    ashamed. But by and large the war is contained in these
    areas, and you will be able to delight in the peace and
    beauty of the island.
    There will be police checkpoints in Colombo and as you head
    into the Cultural Triangle or if you head east to
    Trincomalee or Arugam Bay. The checks are more and more
    severe as you get closer to hot areas, so they can spoil
    trips to the eastern shores, but they can also keep you
    Occasionally the LTTE guerrilla forces send suicide bombers
    into populated and tourist-frequented areas, so one can't
    say it's entirely safe. But then you can't say that about
    anyplace (witness recent bombings in London, the Colorado
    school slayings, NY cop shootouts, etc.). I go yearly and
    love it very much.

  2. hmmmm Added by: monique
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sounds wonderful, but a little bit dangerous. I'll be
    travelling solo and i'm a bit wired on the whole idea as it
    is. Maybe I'll stick to Rajasthan and Kerala and save Sri
    Lanka when I build up some more guts...

  3. follow your heart Added by: SL Fan
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Monique, you're very right to pay attention to your gut
    feeling. But I really don't think travelling in SL to the
    triangle, Kandy, Tea Country, and down the west coast poses
    anything like the dangers of a 10 minute walk on the
    sidewalk of any American city.

  4. Go to SL!!! Added by: GG
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 18:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'd be safer in Jaffna wearing a tee shirt with "Fuck the
    Tiger Elam" on the front than you would in some sections of
    LA at midnight. My point is, generally speaking, you
    can't even reach the dangerous north and eastern areas of
    SL; you'll be turned away by police and military road
    blocks. The other areas mentioned by the other posters
    are well worth the trip. If you're a worrier, you might
    consider just staying home locked in your room waiting
    for the end. My god, Monique, can't you find a
    backbone for rent somewhere!

  5. Why not? Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The political climate in SL has been heavy for decades, no
    end in sight. I went there on my own in December/January and
    didn't feel unsafe. You see a lot of police and military on
    the streets, they search vehicles and control identity
    cards, but not from Western tourists. I took buses and
    trains, spent some time in Colombo. There is so much to see.
    It's more likely to be hit by a bomb in London at the
    moment, but I wouldn't hesitate to go there right now.

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