South India to Thailand/Singapore

This topic was created by Luke & Meeta (
[Fri 21 May, 4:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We're currently living in South India and are looking at
doing a few weeks in the Thailand/Malaysia/Singapore area on
our way back to New York in mid-November.
Has anyone done this and/or have suggestions on flight and
transportation from India to that region and away from there?
Also, any recommendations for things to do in that Southeast
Asia region for seasoned India travellers?
Thanks in advance!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 6:11]

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  1. Many links Added by: Gary
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can fly from Madras to Singapore, KL, or Bangkok. You
    might be most interested in Thailand because of the strong
    Buddhist influence and relaxed manner of the people. It's
    all good and many Indians, especially Tamils, live in
    Singapore, Penang, and other places in Malaysia. Bali is
    Hindu. There is an India Town in Bangkok called Pahurat
    near Chinatown. There is a south Indian temple on Silom Rd
    in Bangkok and several restaurants and a guest house in the
    same area.

  2. Maylasia Added by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After a few months in S Indian, my wife and I flew
    Trivandrum-Colombo, spent time in SL, then flew
    Colombo-Singapour, spent a night (we missed the chaos and
    litter) and hopped a train to KL. The train was enjoyable,
    but in retrospect I wish we had rented a self-drive car and
    taken our time driving up through Maylasia. We did rent a
    self-drive later on and found the freedom just great.
    Driving in Maylasia is very easy (nothing like India or even
    SL), good roads, interesting villages on both coasts and
    inland. I'd do it that way. It may be cheaper to rent a car
    just across into Maylasia from Singapore.
    I had a very good travel agent in Singapour, with great
    staff who rescued us a few times on our Malaysia-Thailand
    Pishu Travel: P. Pishu 65 336 2222 or 344 4663
    fax 336 4305 Mr. Pishu or Ms Shoba
    I really recommend them. I called them from Colombo and they
    set everything up.
    e me if you want info on SL or other.
    Bon voyage

  3. Calcutta-Bangkok is cheaper Added by: HervΘ
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Madras in late Mars :
    Madras - Bangkok : 13,500 INR one way or 15,000 INR return
    ticket 3 months value.
    So i reach Calcutta by train ( Trichu express - 36 h ) and i
    pay 4,200 INR one way ticket to BKK.

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