looking for pakistan trek info

This topic was created by cheryl
[Sun 23 May, 6:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am looking for information on treks in these areas: Hushe
valley (incl Masherbrum base camp), Rupal valley, and
day or single-overnight hikes in other Baltistan areas. My
particular questions for each trek are:
1. are trails easy to follow or do they occasionally
2. are map and compass skills required?
3. is equipment (including tent, packs, stoves and propane)
as easy to rent as the LP trekking book makes it sound, or
would you recommend bringing that stuff?
4. If hiring assistance, do trekkers have to go at the pace
of their porters and guides, or can they all meet up at the
campsite at night?
Thanks. Any info is much appreciated.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 7:13]

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  1. trekking Added by: trekker
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 7:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not an expert but from my experiences:
    1. Trails are fine between villages but if you are crossing
    any glaciers, as in to Masherbrum, it will be much more
    difficult to navigate.
    2. If doing any difficult or remote treks - especially
    without a guide - absolutely take a map and compass - basic
    navigation skills are not hard to learn
    3. I've not been to the Hushe valley, but I am to undestand
    that all over Pakistan gear is hard to come by. SOme
    things may be around, but exactly what you want may not be,
    or the quality of the item might be poor.
    4. Guide will stay with you, porters will meet you.
    Good luck

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