Inner Line Permits

This topic was created by kris
[Thu 20 May, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone have any information about whether inner line
permits are necessary
1)to complete the Kinnaur Kailash Circuit trek
2) to visit Tabo gompa from Kaza
Also, where is the easiest place to obtain them and how hord
it is to master a group of 4 people in the end of June.
LP, RG and the Handbook all have contradictory information
on the subject so I have no idea what the situation is.
Thanks very much for your h

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 1:05]

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  1. Permits Added by: Johan (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 1:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I Spent two weeks in the Sangla Valley (ie Kinauri District)
    in June last year. Permits for the Spiti Valley can be
    obtained in Rampur and in Wangtu, and it is possible to
    obtain this permit even if you're travelling on your own.
    Might cost you a few rupees though. If you have the time,
    do go and see Sangla and Chitkul; you will not regret it. A
    nice place to stay in Sangla is the Mt Kailash GH, and in
    Chitkul there is an elder guy who has one or two rooms for
    travellers, located in the center of the village, house
    visible (well, kinda) from the Government Resthouse (damp &
    If you have a minute or two to spare in Rampur, please pass
    my regards to the only Enfield Mechanic in the village,
    named Ganji. Small alley at the right hand side of the
    local courth house (large white building on left side of
    main road when coming from Delhi), take first alley on
    right hand side and after 60 meters on left side of the
    street opposite two tailor's shops. I was there last year
    with a Honda 500 XL.
    Thanks and have lots of fun.Johan.

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