1993 Social Inventions Journal

Table of Contents

Children and Education

  1. Ambulance run by teenagers
  2. Marking children on their integrity
  3. Send primary teachers to France
  4. News from the Institute and The Natural Death Centre
  5. Girls to start school year later than boys
  6. 80 universities whose students tutor at schools
  7. TV watchers must put on show
  8. Paying pupils to learn
  9. Videos get kids to eat healthy foods
  10. Software to help children with dyslexia
  11. Contingent teaching works best
  12. All books accessible to all students by computer
  13. Star teachers only on video or cassette
  14. Spelling is a social invention
  15. Alternative Thinking Fellowships


  1. Listening with affection and excitement
  2. Powerful people speak slowly
  3. Tentative female talk changes men's minds
  4. More random kindness
  5. The helper's high
  6. Green stamps for the right to have children
  7. Harness for sex in space
  8. Tantra
  9. The Tantric Love Swing
  10. Sexual desire depends on status and self-esteem
  11. Longer daylight makes men aggressive
  12. Sperm damaged by light
  13. Sex improves women's sporting performance
  14. How to be irresistible to the opposite sex
  15. Divorce ceremonies
  16. What to do when your life falls apart
  17. A predictive map for family happiness
  18. Learned optimism more useful than truth


  1. Living Over The Shop

New Money Systems

  1. A Plant-Labour Theory of Value


  1. A tax evaders' amnesty
  2. Tick boxes to select where your taxes go
  3. Energy tax to help the miners


  1. Workfare improved
  2. Voice mail-boxes for the homeless

Economics & Business

  1. Shut down the LSE!
  2. Cooperation only works for small groups
  3. Index debts and contracts to cure inflation
  4. Brainstorming recession in a nightclub
  5. Health regulations can cost lives
  6. Subsidise bank charges on US cheques
  7. Experiment and live
  8. A whistle-blowing senate for companies
  9. Job hunters' guide to employers


  1. Supporters for those with disabilities
  2. $75,000 awards for computer welfare projects

Law & Crime

  1. Judge lets victims take from burglars' homes
  2. Holistic Lawyers
  3. Rent-a-dog for joggers
  4. Free transmitter alarms for battered women
  5. Recidivism rate cut from 70% to 10%
  6. Prisons earn more if recidivism cut
  7. A prison magazine with 200,000 circulation
  8. Exploiting similarities between crime and drama


  1. Latest medical tips for health
  2. Fasting walks
  3. 'Smart toilets' monitor health
  4. Less bloodshot eyes from computer screens
  5. Rocking chair for healing
  6. Ecstasy - 'non-neurotoxic'; USA research restarts
  7. Childhood problems as sign of great destiny
  8. The UK needs a Workaholics Anonymous
  9. Computer Addicts Anonymous
  10. Prescription drug info by phone
  11. Obligatory check-ups or higher national insurance
  12. Crisis Cards for mental health emergencies
  13. Self-help pain management
  14. Health for older people in developing world
  15. Satisfaction survey of all hospital patients
  16. Same day operations advertised by radio
  17. Laser cures snoring
  18. Patient's hand held during surgery
  19. Yoga retreats on NHS
  20. A jog every hour when driving
  21. Self-help groups by computer


  1. Right Livelihood Award to village revival movement
  2. Community Action Awards
  3. Neighbourhood Salons

Ecology & Environment

  1. The best uninhabited island in the world?
  2. Eating grasshoppers
  3. Signs with farm phone numbers for walkers
  4. A Forest Garden inspired by Robert Hart
  5. Manchester's first Forest Garden
  6. Permacamp - a year-round camp site
  7. School For Self Sufficiency
  8. Lost pet ads in California predict earthquakes
  9. Suspend planning laws during recession
  10. Straw houses and other uses for straw
  11. Coconut dust as replacement for peat
  12. Clay balcony pots for composting
  13. Recycling myths
  14. Hillman's Musings:
  15. Packaging tax needed
  16. Inadequate EC Ecolabelling and environmental auditing
  17. The Environmental Law Foundation
  18. Archie's Eco-Checklist
  19. Sustainable Society study group
  20. Bamberton new town for 12,000 - controversy
  21. Auction the whale
  22. Less weeds if plough by night
  23. The Earth Chant

Science & Technology

  1. The joy of inventing
  2. Patents are a rip-off
  3. Answerphone messages on technological malfunctions
  4. Tobacco as fuel and as food
  5. Save mines with cheap coal purification?
  6. The brain is not a computer
  7. Intelligence at the end of the universe
  8. Burning CO2 to save the planet


  1. Car convicted in mock trial
  2. Give up the most dangerous drug of all - cars
  3. Give roundabouts sculptures and names
  4. Freewheelers - a lift sharing agency
  5. 8mph speed limits for residential roads
  6. Reprogram machismo drivers
  7. Bring back right-angled bends and traffic lights
  8. Ad bikes on free loan from racks
  9. Horizontal cable cars


  1. Homo Sapiens Version 1.0
  2. Heaven and hell in Virtual Reality
  3. Multi-User Adventures
  4. Newsletters during conference sessions
  5. Visual minutes of meetings
  6. The transformation of television
  7. A directory of social solutions
  8. Black Ice magazine
  9. Cheap subs. for unsold copies
  10. Change of address machines
  11. Copyright gives too much protection
  12. Six tests for a privacy law
  13. Visions for the 21st Century
  14. SF and the race between education and catastrophe

Arts & Culture

  1. The Universal Mind Lattice
  2. The Island Group
  3. Prudent Tattooing
  4. Paintings and poems for empty billboard sites
  5. Tear-off comment forms in books
  6. Politically correct vocabulary
  7. The dictatorship of reason

International & Developing World

  1. Harry Schultz Forecasts
  2. The physics of politics
  3. Re-inventing Democracy
  4. 26 regions for South Africa
  5. Devolution in Italy and the Nordic countries
  6. Democracy and wealth depend on 'civicness'
  7. Subsidiarity to be defined from the bottom up
  8. A tribal Afghanistan needed
  9. Twinning between affluent and poor villages
  10. Estonian Renaissance Award
  11. Combatting uranium pollution of indigenous peoples
  12. State Dowry feasibility study
  13. Optimum Population Trust
  14. Tobacco companies - the most powerful forces on earth


  1. Set aside for arms exporters
  2. Ideas for preventing war


  1. Athenian-style democracy for Bury St Edmunds
  2. The Social Ecology Network
  3. Modifying Northern Ireland's present electoral system
  4. The ideology of ideologies
  5. 10,000 votes by phone every 90 seconds


  1. Detective stories and the problem of evil
  2. The meaning of 'Namaste'
  3. To have or not to have a guru?
  4. Guru ratings entail 'me ratings'
  5. Open criticism in church services
  6. Native American religion banned
  7. 'Gurdjieff' on drugs

Old Age

  1. Exchanges between old people's homes
  2. Multi-media Memory Boxes
  3. Drum circles for the elderly
  4. A retirement home for spiritual seekers

Death & Dying

  1. Funeral myths dissected - a quiz
  2. Improving teaching about death and dying for nurses
  3. Learning about death within the curriculum
  4. Ways to improve care of the dying in hospital
  5. Supporting a person with cancer through illness and death
  6. Near-Death Experiences and the hyperactive survival drive
  7. Improving Western understanding of death
  8. A shamanic death song

Promoting Social Inventions

  1. Innovations Centre in Lithuania
  2. Dutch Ideas Bank
  3. Swedish award winners


  1. An Australian Social Inventions competition
  2. A social inventions initiative for Belgium?
  3. Sponsored journals for homeless to sell
  4. The Book of Visions on radio?
  5. A social inventions story for children
  6. Natural Death group
  7. The calendar, unemployment and an ice age
  8. All classes have a compost bucket
  9. Pleasure