Car convicted in mock trial

Based on an item from the Associated Press reported in The Seattle Times (USA; Sep. 17th '92) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

The car was convicted of fundamental abuses of human rights at a mock trial at the conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in Brisbane.

'The car was implicated in the killing and maiming of millions worldwide. It was also accused of systematically destroying public space and preventing spontaneous interaction between people'

The car was implicated in the killing and maiming of millions worldwide. It was also accused of systematically destroying public space; robbing children of play areas and cultural activity; discriminating against society's disadvantaged; encouraging social segregation; and preventing spontaneous interaction between people. 'The car must never again be allowed to rule our streets,' said prosecutor David Engwicht, an urban transport activist.

Given the degree of human complicity, Engwicht recommended a sentence of perpetual community service. Urban geographer Bob Cotgrove, for the defence, called the anti-car lobby 'misguided and ideologically driven.'

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