Save mines with cheap coal purification?

Roger Knights

From a letter to the Institute.

Given the social strife and dislocation that would result from closing most coal mines, the Time magazine cover story on the two U.S. inventors who have developed a cheap method of purifying high-sulphur coal, with ammonia, could be of importance. The slurry that is produced can be safely used as a diesel-fuel replacement in locomotives and trucks, although it is 50% water. Surely a pilot project could be established in Britain, and further mine closures temporarily delayed, in case cheap coal purification might 'save the day'. Oil has better uses than burning; it is a vital precursor in plastics manufacturing, for example.

Roger Knights, 5446 45 Avenue, SW Seattle, WA 98 l36-1108, USA (tel 0101 206 932 5446).

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