Archie's Eco-Checklist

Archie Duncanson

From an illustrated A4 page leaflet sent to the Institute.

Garbage reduction

Here's how easily you can reduce your garbage by 80% or more:

  • Compost garden rubbish, kitchen waste, meat and fish scaps; at home, on your balcony or with a friend or neighbour.

  • Instead of disposing, use cotton table napkins; cover leftover with a plate, and have a porcelain coffee or tea mug.

  • More fresh food without packaging: fresh oranges instead of bought orange juice, fresh potatoes instead of chips, home preserves instead of canned fruit.

  • Recycle newspapers and return bottles.

    Milder chemicials

    Here's how you can easily switch over to milder chemicals:

  • Detergents at a third the recommended amount, and without phosphates.

  • Percarbonate bleaches instead of chlorine ones, and used only every third wash.

  • Small squirts only of dishwashing soap.

    'Vinegar and soap for bathroom cleaning instead of chlorine and ammonia'

  • Vinegar and soap for bathroom cleaning instead of chlorine and ammonia.

  • No aerosol cans or hair spray.

  • Soap instead of solvents for washing the car.

  • Linseed oil instead of wood impregnating agents for garden furniture.

  • Toys with wind-up motors instead of batteries.


    Here are many ways to halve your electricity bill:

  • Use your washing machine only for full loads and at low temperatures (40 degrees or 60 degrees).

  • Hang dry clothes where possible.

  • Air dry dishes.

  • Use a fridge on its least cold setting; and use a cool pantry instead of a fridge in winter.

  • Use a plastic door curtain on the freezer and have it on its less cold setting.

  • Boil with a lid using minimum water (for pastas etc).

  • Steam vegetables, eggs and potatoes, rather than boiling them.

  • One light instead of two or more.


    Here's how you can easily save pollution, support wholesome farming and give yourself the best:

  • Use ecologically grown, homemade and fresh foods.

  • Use local brand foods.

  • Use free range eggs.

    Copy and send to threee friends to tell them what you're doing.

    Archie Duncanson, author of 'Ecology Begins at Home', Oernstigen 9, 18350 Taby, Sweden (tel 08 7686320).

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