Answerphone messages on technological malfunctions

Based on an item in the Feedback column of the New Scientist.

'Glitch, a 90 second message on her answering machine, giving instances of malfunctions in science'

Janet Pensig, a New Yorker, leaves a 90 second message on her answering machine every Wednesday, on the theme of where society is heading, and giving instances of malfunctions in science. The service is called Glitch, gets up to about 30 calls a day and is available from the UK on 0101 212 228 7514.

When Social Inventions called, the two themes were sleep deprivation ('which causes car accidents; a quarter of teenagers sleep in school once a week; a sleepy third mate caused the Exxon disaster') and software quirks (East Cost Americans tend to blame the company when the software proves troublesome; West Coast Americans tend to blame themselves).

After listening, you can leave your own examples of Glitches on the answering machine if you wish.

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