Politically correct vocabulary

Adapted from 'Twisted Times' Issue No. 8 '92 (USA) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

' "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs?" No: "Snow Melanin-Impoverished and the Seven Vertically Challenged Persons" '

Keeping one's language free of sexist, racist, ageist, sizist and ableist trigger words has become a challenge, particularly for the dysfunctionally awared. To the rescue: Beard and Cerf's 'Politically Correct Dictionary'. Avoid the mistake of saying 'Snow White and Seven Dwarfs' when you really mean 'Snow Melanin-Impoverished and the Seven Vertically Challenged Persons'. Relax and get PC:

  • Chemically inconvenienced: Drugged or drunk.

  • Dysfunctionally awared: Bigoted, right-leaning.

  • Mineral companion: Non-kingdomist term for 'pet rock'.

  • Morally different: Dishonest, immoral, evil.

    'Persons with difficult-to-meet needs: Serial killers, for example'

  • Persons with difficult-to-meet needs: Serial killers, for example.

    See also 'The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook' by H. Beard and C. Cerf (Grafton, £4-99).

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