Newsletters during conference sessions

'Participant Interaction Messaging', a report prepared by Nadia McLaren, published 1992 by Union of International Associations (40 Rue Washington, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, tel 32 3 640 41 09; fax 32 2 649 32 69).

This report describes (with case studies) a way for conference participants to share with each other their reactions to speakers and to formulate comments and questions. Their 50 word written comments are regularly collected, numbered and printed out as a newsletter, with photocopied distribution during and between sessions.

'It is a way to maximise the use of the intellectual resources assembled and it the queues for the chance to speak formally'

It is a way 'to maximise the use of the intellectual resources assembled; you can read what other silent people are thinking; it relieves the pressure and the queues for the chance to speak formally; there is humour; and a change to capure the sudden insight'.

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