Health for older people in developing world

'Adding Health to Years' by Gill Garrett, published by HelpAge International (St James' Walk, London EC1R OBE, tel 071 253 0253; fax 071 253 4814), £7-95 (developing countries £2-50), 160pp, 1993, ISBN 1 872590 101.

This very basic but useful handbook on older people's health is clearly intended for developing countries, although perhaps of interest too to people in the West practising simpler lifestyles. Amidst sensible advice on everything from nutrition to skin care, from joint pain to care of the dying, it recommends for tooth cleaning a toothbrush, or a stick with a clean piece of towel wrapped around the end or a twig; and for toothpaste salt and bicarbonate of soda mixed together. Its bladder control exercises include: 'Stop the flow midstream and hold to a count of three, then finish going. As the muscle tone improves, you should try to increase the length of time you count to.'

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