Signs with farm phone numbers for walkers

Ian Crook

Adapted from a letter to the Institute.

Landowners could attach signs to stile or gates by footpaths to read: 'Welcome to .... Farm' followed by a telephone number and perhaps an OS grid reference.

'Visitors are potentially, extra eyes and ears for the landowner'

Undoubtedly, walkers and other visitors can cause farmers and other landowners trouble and expense. On the other hand, visitors can be useful in ways that the landowner may be unaware of. Sheep stranded on their backs may be righted, for exqmple, or some other potential problem spotted and averted - whether livestock in difficulties or straying, damage to fences and equipment, burst pipes and so on. Visitors are potentially, extra eyes and ears for the landowner.

Ian Crook, 8 Mill Lane, Feckenham, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HY (tel 0527 893667).

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