Rocking chair for healing

From an item by Beatrice Dexter in the Examiner (USA; 7/7/92) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

'I've seen people bedridden with arthritis who were up and around inside a week after regular use of the rocking chair'

Studies conducted at the Medical College of Virginia have shown that 'kinetic therapy' - the constant, gentle motion of a rocking chair - can dramatically speed healing in severely ill patients. With regular rocking, starting with one hour a day the first week, increasing the exercise period by 10 minutes a day each succeeding week, 'the body settles into a natural rhythm that harnesses incredible powers of recuperation and regeneration,' says Dr Heinrich Addleheim of the Kinetic Therapy Clinic in Berlin. 'We've seen cases of patients recuperating from heart atttack and stroke - without any trace of permanent damage - simply because they used a rocking chair while they were recovering. I've seen people bedridden with arthritis who were up and around inside a week after regular use of the rocking chair.

'It can be used to cure colds, flu, diabetes and even some types of cancer. It's not just a piece of furniture - it's a remarkable medical device.'

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