The Book of Visions on radio?

Guy Dauncey

From a letter to the Institute.

'The Book of Visions' is an extremely creative, compendious compendium, with enough fertility of the imagination to shake the gloomiest of cynics into a bit of positivity.

'You might approach a radio station and suggest a weekly three minute Social Innovations spot'

It deserves radio coverage. You might approach a radio station and suggest a weekly three minute Social Innovations spot, in which you would (a) share one invention from the book and (b) invite listeners to write in with their own ideas. Each week you might have a focus, such as 'riots in the estates', and the best idea would win a copy of 'The Book of Visions', courtesy of the radio station.

You need sponsors for next year's social invention awards. Try approaching 3M in London - they make a really big thing of creativity. Suggest a scheme that would link several things together:

(a) Winners of the internal 3M creativity awards to receive free membership of the Institute, paid for by 3M, and to submit ideas themselves, in a special 3M section;

(b) The Institute to offer special creativity learning sessions to the children of 3M employees, to get them inventing around listed 'problems'.

(c) 3M to become a three-year sponsor, including someone on your board of directors.

(d) Overseas employees to be included.

Editorial comment

The ideas are good but time is lacking, if the workaholism of at least this member of the Institute' staff is ever to be tackled.

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