Right Livelihood Award to village revival movement

The Finnish Village Action Movement (described in The Book of Visions, Virgin Books, 1992, page 138) has won 1992 Right Livelihood Honorary Award, the Alternative Nobel prize that is presented in the Swedish parliament each year.

The new ideas of this Village Action Movement ('real-life utopias') caught the public imagination and has 'positively affected the lives of some 500,000 people'. 2,800 Village Committees have been formed. Some are going further and setting up Village Development Corporations, locally-owned and formally-registered bodies, to run public services, to identify business opportunities, to set up tele-cottages and to attract new residents. Each year an Action Village of the year is chosen.

  • Kylätoiminta, c/o Lauri Hatamäki, PL 607, 33101 Tampere, Finland (tel 358 31 156420; fax 358 31 157311).

  • For details of other winners: Kerstin Bennett, Right Livelihood Awards, PO Box 15072, S-10465 Stockholm, Sweden (tel 08 7020340; fax 08 7020338).

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