Multi-media Memory Boxes

Nicholas Albery

'To use multi-media software to prepare a computerised memory file for their descendants'

Older people and those who are aware that they are soon to die, may in future want to use simple specially-designed multi-media software to prepare a computerised autobiography or memory file for their descendants - a mixture of CD photo album with verbal comments, with bits from family videos, some written material, scanned-in letters, favourite music, poems etc - an electronic version of the shoebox-size Memory Box described by Yvonne Malik (see The Book of Visions, Virgin Books, 1992, page 314). Compiling one's memoirs would thus be possible for those without literary talent and without ghostwriters, and could become a common thing to do on reaching the age of 75 or so, as the present computer generation ages.

Nicholas Albery (address above).

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