Reprogram machismo drivers

Jack Hyams

From a letter to the Institute.

'It really works, I assure you. No brake wear, consumption down by a quarter, get there almost as quickly. Greatly reduced stress'

Drivers of motor vehicles need reprogramming. The endemic routine is to accelerate rapidly, and to use the brakes to come to a squealing halt at every interruption. Result: Huge dissipation of energy. A better routine is one in which acceleration is gentle, the foot comes off the accelerator as soon as any need to slow down or stop is imminent, and in which unnecessary overtaking is perceived as antisocial behaviour. It really works, I assure you. No brake wear, consumption down by a quarter, get there almost as quickly. Greatly reduced stress.

I don't know whether stick, carrot or combinations are the likelist tools. Somewhere out there are behavioural scientists who might throw light on it. All I know is that machismo could kill us.

Jack Hyams, 77 Slough Lane, London NW9 8YB.

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