TV watchers must put on show

Adapted from an article entitled 'Creation Spirituality' by Matthew Fox in Resurgence No. 154 (Subs. £16, Ford House, Hartland, Bideford, Devon EX39 6EE).

'For every hour that the kids watch television, they should be asked to put on their own show as well'

We must recreate our own entertainment at home and in our neighbourhoods. The arts of conversation, gardening, drama, music and tree-planting are delights in themselves. We have turned our entertainment to the television. For a long time I have maintained that if you are going to have a television in a house with children, for every hour that the kids watch television, they should be asked to put on their own show as well.We need to rediscover the art of feasting together and enjoying one another's company; and the art of ritual, to celebrate sacred times and sacred places and the sacred beings with whom we share this planet. We need a revolution in ritual today. We need to bring our bodies back to ritual. Because you pray with your breath and your heart, not with books. Prayer is about strengthening the heart. We need people who can lead us through those prayers in new ways and traditional ways.

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