School For Self Sufficiency

Those who have visited John Seymour's place in Ireland, on the banks of the River Barrow, say that it is the most idyllic spot and that they had a wonderful time amongst highly convivial people. He is the author of 'The Complete Book of Self Sufficiency' and now with Angela Ashe he has set up the School for Self Suffiency at his home and is offering ten day courses in self sufficiency (and a holiday). Depending on the season, courses will include the arts of cultivating most crops, and harvesting, processing and storing the resulting produce, rearing and caring for birds and animals and producing dairy and meat products - how to do everything from brewing beer to keeping bees, from shearing a sheep to weaving a basket.

School for Self Sufficiency, Killowen, Dunganstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland (tel 010 353 51 88156). The courses run between March 1st '93 and November 2nd '93, with four-day breaks between one course ending and the next beginning. They cost £300 (Irish pounds) with bed and breakfast extra (or camping site).

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