The Tantric Love Swing


'Allows great G-spot stimulation, men can make love for hours'

The Tantric Love Swing hangs from a rafter and is designed for the woman to lie and swing in whilst the man remains standing on the ground. The publicity material claims that the swing has many different uses: 'loving, massage, relaxing the back, birthing, rocking infants, sleeping, etc;' and that it offers 'a whole new arena for love-making, it's romantic, enhances eye-to-eye contact, allows great G-spot stimulation, men can make love for hours and all hands are free for touching'.

A couple in the UK have tested the Love Swing for Social Inventions journal and report: 'It was easy to instal, just a matter of two eye screws in the ceiling, and fun to use. It certainly makes a change from the bed. The snag for us at present is that our bedroom is very cold in winter but we look forward to getting the hang of of the Love Swing in the summer (we haven't got the angle quite right yet, despite the multiplicity of adjustable straps) and we will report back to you then.'

Roger Knights is trying to identify people who might market the Love Swing in the UK and he writes: 'The swing manufacturer is Richard Klor, a charming, friendly character (the right word), 55 years old, an ex-fundamentalist minister who has seen another light. He travels around the country in a trailer selling Swings as gatherings of various receptive groups (eg New Age-type fairs, human potential movement seminars, etc). He has a satisfied clientele which makes him happy. His theory is that the more swings there are, the more peaceful the world will be.

  • The Love Swing costs $189 (plus $35 shipping) from Richard Klor, Fresh Life Forum, PO Box 6211, Aloha, OR 97007, USA (tel 0101 503 245 1330).

  • Roger Knights, 5446 45 Av SW, Seattle, WA 98136 1108, USA (tel 0101 206 932 5446).

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