Freewheelers - a lift sharing agency

From a publicity leaflet sent to the Institute.

'Passengers pay 2.5p a mile so London to Manchester, for instance, would cost £5-60'

Freewheelers is a new national lift sharing agency which matches drivers who want to cover their petrol costs with passengers who want to catch a lift. Passengers pay 2.5p a mile (so London to Manchester, for instance, would cost £5-60). They are given the driver's phone number by the agency and they make their own individual arrangements with the driver about a rendezvous. The passengers pay the agency £1 for each time they use it and must become members (£5). Either party can specify same sex companions if they wish. The driver's insurance is not affected as the payment only covers costs and is not seen as commercial. (Company car drivers would have to give lifts for free.)

They claim that they have about 5,000 members on their books at present, 45% of them drivers, and that they arrange about 30 to 50 lifts a week.

Freewheelers, Freeepost, London SW2 5BR (tel 071 738 6861).

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