A directory of social solutions

'Macrocosm USA - Possibilities for a New Progressive Era', edited by Sandi Brockway, published by Macrocosm USA, Box 185, Cambria, CA 93428, USA (tel 0101 805 927 8030), 422 pages, $24-95, 1992, ISBN 0 9632315 5 3.

'Macrocosm' is as big as a telephone directory and contains some 200 reprinted articles on social change - everything from 'Learning Through Service' in the Education section, to 'Tobacco and Alcohol Ads: Social Insanity' in the Health section. It sees itself as an environmental, political and social solutions handbook and is supplemented at the back with a listing of over 5,000 progressive organisations (The Institute for Social Inventions is mentioned), periodicals, media, businesses, publishers and reference sources. It is also available as a computer database with address labels.

Its editor hopes that the book will 'revolutionise research, journalism, networking, grassroots activism, politics and the way the social sciences are taught. Access to resources that provide meaningful and creative solutions are not always accessible from mainstream culture.' It is a gallant attempt to provide 'a comprehensible "whole", a macrocosmic context'.

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