Suspend planning laws during recession

Adapted from material sent to the Institute by David Stephens, who has had run-ins with the planners whilst developing his solar village in Wales.

'Planning law is incompetently administered, oppressive, irrelevant and damaging to large and small businesses struggling to survive'

Planning law is so incompetently administered, oppressive, irrelevant and damaging to large and small businesses struggling to survive that it should be suspended at least for the duration of the recession. No great harm would be done; most people would be delighted if building activity increased. Projects in the pipeline would be brought forward.

Development control should be abandoned permanently in less populated parts, and retained perhaps just for the Green Belt areas. Development control there should plan for the future - to enable people to adapt to changing lifestyles and to encourage new low-energy building forms. Development control should be privatised with consultant planners working with developers to prepare schemes for approval direct by the elected council.

Our present planners have, inter alia:

  • Failed to promote energy-conserving buildings;

  • Perpetuated traditional defects in new houses;

  • Failed to promote efficient public transport systems;

  • Increased costs and delayed projects.

    David Stephens, Tir Gaia Solar Village, Rhayader, Powys, Wales LD6 5DY (tel 0597 810929).

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