Less bloodshot eyes from computer screens

ScreenSafe is a Swedish invention that cuts electrostatic radiation from computer screens and without the user needing one of those filters in front of the screen which impair visibility. The Institute for Social Inventions has tested ScreensSafe for the last two months on a large Apple Mac screen, and can report as follows:

'The ill effects of electrostatic radiation can range from unexplained fatigue and headaches to bloodshot or gritty eyes'

It is simple to instal (you stick two lengths of rubber, one on the keyboard and one at the bottom of the screen, and these are connected to a nearby earth - the radiator - by a long wire). Tissues soaked in a special conducting fluid are supplied, and the screen has to be rubbed with these once a fortnight. It does seem to help, reports Nicholas Albery: 'I suffer from bloodshot eyes from too much work at the screen, and this has been less the case since ScreenSafe arrived - whether this is coincidental or my complaint was psychosomatic, I don't know. But manufacturers do say in their blurb how "depending on the length of exposure and the operator's susceptibility, the ill effects of electrostatic radiation from computer screen can range from unexplained fatigue and headaches to bloodshot or 'gritty' eyes - and even irritating and prominent skin rashes of the face and hands". 100,000 systems have been sold in Sweden. Even at £60 (Vat extra) it gets my vote, for the peace of mind it gives.'

Screensafe, Scan-Brit Trade, 6 Chiswick Lodge, Marlow-on-Thames, Bucks SL7 1AG (tel 0628 474491).

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