What to do when your life falls apart

From an article by Malcolm Stern in Catalyst Magazine, issue 5.

'This too will pass'

There is a Sufi teaching of a great King who asks a wise man to design something for him which will remind him not to lose himself in either happiness or despair. The wise man gives him a ring with the inscription: 'This too will pass.'

Seeking support is a very empowering way of healing pain:

  • Join a men's group or women's group;

  • Find a therapy weekend or on-going group;

  • Go into one-to-one therapy;

  • Cultivate honest friendships;

  • Nourish yourself - massage, books, music, food, yoga - whatever makes you happy;

  • Seek peace - mediatation, nature, Tai-chi, etc;

  • Develop an attitude of kindness to yourself.

    My whole life changed when I developed a thrombosis at the age of 25. After a disastrous relationship which caused me immense pain and stress, the shock of facing my possible death was the catalyst I needed for change. I altered my diet, embraced meditation in place of dope, found a new circle of friends and began taking responsibility for my own health and well-being. When I look back now, I can see that my crisis was in fact an opportunity to explore a road I would never consciously have chosen.

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