Send primary teachers to France

Nicholas Albery

I believe that teaching at primary school level in almost all lessons should be conducted in a foreign language. A couple of language lessons a week is no way to learn languages, as Matthew Parris pointed out in The Times (Oct. 26th '92); learning has to be intensive and preferably at an early age.

'English primary teachers go to schools in France and French primary teachers come here'

A vast exchange programme could be initiated whereby English primary teachers go to schools in France and French primary teachers come here. I was sent to the French Lycèe in London from the ages of four to eight and have never regretted it, nor was I significantly behind with English on transfer to an English school.

At the very least, every French lesson should be taught entirely in French, to all ages. South Hampstead High School for Girls has amongst the best French exam results in the UK and they use this total immersion method. Most teachers shy away from it as being too taxing - there should be salary increases for those who use this method and no further hiring of those who don't.

Matthew Parris concluded that the three quarters of a billion pounds a year spent teaching languages in UK schools is at present largely wasted, with very few kids ending up able to hold even simple conversations in French or German.

Nichiolas Albery, ISI, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 452 6434).

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