26 regions for South Africa

Groundswell won a Social Invention award for their Swiss-style cantonisation plans for South Africa (see page 266 of The Book of Visions, published by Virgin Books, 1992). Here they report on more recent developments, in extracts adapted from Groundswell News (Dec. '92).

'The 26 traditional and sporting regions to which people feel a strong emotional link'

  • At a Groundswell symposium, the regional boundaries workshop concluded that the seven to ten regions promoted by most political groups as a basis for the new South Africa would not nearly be enough. They responded well to a suggestion by Leon Louw (a Groundswell founder) for adopting the 26 traditional and sporting regions to which people feel a strong emotional link.

  • Direct democracy, promoted first and almost exclusively by Groundswell, is rapidly gaining ground. If the referendum initiative and recall are entrenched in the new constitution, it will be as a direct result of Groundswell's work.

  • Leon Louw also made an excellent case for strongly entrenched property rights, talked of returning all state housing to the people, and said that land courts should decide on the question of past expropriations and compensation.

    'Groundswell News', PO Box 92385, 2117 Norwood, South Africa (tel 011 442 8898; fax 011 442 7247).

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