Supporters for those with disabilities

Adapted from a newsletter entitled 'Qaillun Ikaiyucarcia'.

'An adult or family with disabilities is asked to locate a person in their community that they would trust to help them'

FRS is a name given to an individual who is part of the Family Resource Project in Alaska. This project was originally designed to give power back to people and communities who, in the past, have relied for the most part on paid service systems and professional help. The Family Resource Project is funded by the State of Alaska, Division of Developmental Disabilities, and works in the following way: Once an adult with disabilities, or a family, qualifies for Developmental Disability services, they are given the option of participating in the Family Resource Project. If they choose to participate, they are asked to locate a person in their community that they would trust to help them do three things:

First, to help them think about their future and decide what they want to change or have different in their life. Second, to assist them in making a detailed plan for accomplishing those changes. And third, to help them organise and build the informal community support and formal services, if necessary, that will lead to them accomplishing their desires. Although the family or person may chose any person they want to be their FRS, they are advised that other individuals have said that it is helpful to pick someone who they trust, who is good at solving problems, who has a sense of humor, and who they think could help them get things done in their community. The person could be a neighbour, friend, minister, elder, relative or any other person that is willing to be selected. Whoever they choose is sent to a five day workshop provided by the sponsoring organisation, Community Resource Network, where they have an opportunity to improve their problem-solving skills, remember what they know about the value of all community members being part of their town, and practise talking in ways that build trust and openness.

FRS' are just part of the growing support network for people with disabilities and their families in Alaska. The FRS has the task of helping to build the network of relationships and contacts that the individual or family has, always working towards less reliance on social service systems and paid services. FRS' receive a very small stipend for their work. We believe that, with focused attention and, for a time, paid assistance from the FRS, it is likely that many individual and family situations will change for the better.

Alaska Family Resource Project, c/o Community Resource Network, PO Box 6049 Sitka, Alaska 99835, USA (tel from within USA: 1 800 243 2199).

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