Permacamp - a year-round camp site

From a leaflet and letter sent to the Institute.

'A year-round site to which people would pay to come for a holiday, study, music or dance camp, whilst working 30% of their time on the farm'

Tony Wrench in Newcastle Emlyn, Wales, has created a prototype 'den' for £390, made from recycled materials. It is igloo shaped, sleeps four, doubles as a music studio, is heated by a woodstove and is warmed by a compost digester. He is inspired by permaculture, an integrated system of design principles aimed at establishing self-reliant holdings whilst conserving nature. His current project is to encourage the formation of a Permacamp, a year-round site to which people would pay to come for a holiday, study, music or dance camp, whilst working 30% of their time on the farm. Permacamp's resident catetakers would work on the camp continuously, lanscaping and gardening it with permaculture design in mind.

Shares in the trust that will own Permacamp are available for £500 each, a Permacamp Trust Account has been opened with the Mercury Provident Plc and investors and donors are sought. A steering group meets fortnightly at present.

Tony Wrench, Erw Deg, Cwm Cych, Newcastle Emlyn, Dyfed, Wales SA38 9RR (tel 0239 77 370).

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