Tear-off comment forms in books

Brian Hodgson

Stephen Rogers in The Book of Visions (Virgin Books, 1992, page 1992) proposed the excellent idea of Book-Pals, a sheet at the back of library books where people wanting to meet fellow enthusiasts for that particular book could leave their details. Here is another idea for reader feedback - but not so much aimed at libraries. It is adapted from a letter to the Institute.

I suggest tear-off forms at the end of each chapter or section of a book, so that readers can add comments or questions. In some cases errors may be highlighted, and authors may appreciate helpful or stimulating comments. Publishers could at least pilot the idea in a selection of their books, including fiction. At the very least all Government Green Papers, whose very intention is to create open discussion and debate, should include a formal questionnaire at the end - as well as an invitation to send in general comments on the ideas outlined in the document.

Brian Hodgson, 38 Greenfield Crescent, Stonesfield, Witney, Oxon OX8 8EH (tel 0993 891310).

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