Estonian Renaissance Award

From a document sent to the Institute by Jakob von Uekhull, founder of the Right Livelihood Awards ('the Alternative Nobel prizes').

'To identify positive rode-models and change-makers in Estonia'

We are setting up an annual Award to identify positive rode-models and change-makers in Estonia, for those working in education, the environment, entrepreneurship, agriculture, public service, health or elsewhere. The intention is to have a charity with a board whose majority will be Estonians resident in Estonia. This Executive Board will choose the award recipients and decide the size of the award (probably US$5,000 each in the first year) and the number of awards to be given. The initial capital endowment of the charity will be US$100,000, guaranteed by Sigrid Rausing and Jakob von Uekhull.

Jakob von Uekhull, 7 Park Crescent, London W1N 3HE (tel 071 404 5011).

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