State Dowry feasibility study

From material sent to the Institute by Jo Hanson.

'80% of the urban respondents would accept the State Dowry project, and do understand that over-population is destroying the environment'

State Dowry is hoping to pilot a negative child benefit scheme in Kenya to encourage women to have fewer children (see the description in The Book of Visions, Virgin Books, 1992, p. 268). A Kenyan woman is conducting a feasibility study of the concept, with some 200 questionnaires initially. Early results indicate that 80% of the urban respondents would accept the State Dowry project, and do understand that over-population is destroying the environment. The non-accepters are mainly Catholics.

'if you were offered a sum of money each month provided you remained non-pregnant, and were provided with free contraception, would you accept?'

The questionnaire asks at what age the woman would prefer to get married and to have her first baby, and how many babies she would like, with what interval between them; it also asks about how the decision to have children is made in her relationship; about contraception; and whether 'if you were offered a sum of money each month provided you remained non-pregnant, and were provided with free contraception, would you accept?'

State Dowry Project, c/o Guy Yeoman, Crowden Lea, Upper Booth, Edale, Derbyshire, via Sheffield S30 2ZJ (tel 0433 670284).

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