Ideas for preventing war

John Zube in Austrlaia has collated a handbook of ideas on the prevention of nuclear war (entitled 'An ABC Against Nuclear War') proposing, in his abbreviated summary:

  • Dissolution of the warfare state through extension of individual liberties and responsibilites, freedom versus the ultimate statism - nuclear holocaust.

  • Unrestricted individual rights and liberties, including:

  • Monetary freedom;

  • Free migration;

  • Free trade;

  • Volunteer militias;

  • The right to resist;

  • The right and duty to desert from a dictatorship;

  • Tyrannicide;

  • Military insurrections;

  • Rightful governments in exile;

  • Exterrritorial autonomy for all volunteer groups (based on individual secession);

  • Decisions on war and peace by the people.

    Copies are obtainable for Aust. $6, from John Zube, 7 Oxley St, Berrima, NSW 2577, Australia (tel 48 771 436).

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