Sponsored journals for homeless to sell

Nigel Bradley

I was pleased to read in Social Inventions No. 26 that the Big Issue magazine was a Housing Social Invention Award. I combined this thought with page 45 on how to help encourage social inventions, and the result is the enclosed cheque for £15.

Please use the £15 to supply the homeless with X copies of the Journal to sell on to people in the street. You may need to put a price on the cover?

This would assist the homeless, it would give extra awareness to the Institute and would hopefully generate new ideas.

If you agree to tackle the logistics of getting the journal on the streets in this way, please encourage other subscribers to double their renewal fee.

Nigel Bradley, 91 Hawsley Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4TJ (tel 0246 208473).

Editorial response

We will do as you say (using printing costs only to calculate how many copies your £15 covers) - and will do the same for anyone else that wants to send money for this purpose.

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