Give roundabouts sculptures and names

Jean Shearman

From a letter to the Institute.

Directions for travel by car from one town to another inevitably include a reference to a roundabout. They are usually described as 'large' or 'small'. My suggestion is that they should all be named. A sign bearing the name should be positioned for easy viewing from each approach road.

To emphasise the name and its relevance to the local environment, I would suggest placing a large sculpture or artwork in the centre. This would provide work for creative artists and enable local authorities or commercial sponsors to become patrons of artists in a magnificently public way.

If commercial sponsors were used, there would have to be a stipulation that their piece of sculpture or artwork could only be used in one situation, and not reproduced for sites all over the country, otherwise the roundabouts might become advertising sites, which is not at all the intention.

Alternatively wild flowers, of one species, could be planted, for example, bluebells or lupins. The roundabout would then be named 'Bluebell' or 'Lupin'.

'It would add interest and excitement to otherwise dull journeys, as well as helping route finding'

The possibilities are immense, and would add interest and excitement to otherwise dull journeys, as well as helping route finding on car journeys to new places.

The elimination of the confusion caused by nameless roundabouts would be an important contribution to road safety.

Jean Shearman, 12 Warren Drive, Dorridge, Solihull, West Midlands B93 8JY (tel 0564 776376).

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