Neighbourhood Salons

From Utne Reader (July '92).

'Places for conversation with like-minded readers'

Utne Reader, An American digest of the best of the alternative press, has encouraged the formation of over 500 Neighbourhood Salons across North America. They started out primarily as places for conversation with like-minded Utne readers. Some salons emphasize talk. Some take an article from the Utne Reader as their discussion topic. Others practice 'devout listening' and speaking from the heart. Still others have become book clubs, writing circles, study circles and creative play groups.

By joining the Neighbourhood Salon Association (for $12 a year) you receive a list of people in your local area who want to join a salon, a guide to how to run them and a quaterly newsletter on Neighbourhood Salons.

Neighbourhood Salon Association, c/o Utne Reader, 1624 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, MN 55403, USA (tel 0101 612 338 5040).

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