A tribal Afghanistan needed

Adapted extract from a letter by Peter Stiles of Guildford in The Economist (May 30th '92) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

Afghan society has a tribal basis and there is no tradition or wish for a strong central government.

'The rural Afghan, who forms the majority of the population, has no wish for either communism or democracy'

History shows that disaster has always followed foreign interference in Afghanistan. The rural Afghan, who forms the majority of the population, has no wish for either communism or democracy. He has a well-tried social system based on the family and the tribe, which guarantees the personal liberty that he values so highly. Before the communist regime, no Kabul government had attempted to disturb this stability by imposing its authority.

Efforts by the United Nations or the United States to impose a democratic system, or by neighbouring countries to establish an authoritarian Muslim state, would cause tribal strife and ethnic division. Let the world offer aid to restore the traditional society, and not political advice that will destroy it, with the same generosity as arms have been given in the past.

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