Horizontal cable cars

Charlotte Lang

Adapted extract from an article sent to the Institute.

'Such a transport system could save historic city centres from being destroyed by motor traffic'

Swedish planning architect Kristin Almers is developing the concept of an urban 'Carriage Line' for the Swedish town of Jonkoping. Electronically-controlled carriages, a bit like a horizontal version of a cable car, would run at frequent intervals at a speed of about 13 mph on elevated tracks, one or two storeys up, and have stops 30 or 40 metres apart. At the the stops, the four-passenger carriages would be lowered to ground level. Almers believes that such a transport system could save historic city centres from being destroyed by motor traffic.

Charlotte Lang, 86 Albert Palace Mansions, Lurline Gardens, London SW11 4DH (tel 071 498 3870; fax 071 498 0173).

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