Optimum Population Trust

Jo Hanson, who sent us the above details, has also helped to found the UK-based Optimum Population Trust, which seeks support:

The Optimum Population Trust (founded in '91) has three aims:

  • To increase public awareness of the ways in which population density affects the quality of life.

  • To promote research into criteria that will allow the optimum population for a country to be determined, particularly for an industrialised country.

  • To campaign for governments and international bodies to adopt poliices matched to the optimum populations which are identified.

    'The optimum population in the UK would be closer to 20 million rather than the present 58 million'

    The limited research that has been done indicates that the optimum population in the UK would be closer to 20 million rather than the present 58 million, even after allowing for a change to more sustainable lifestyles.

    The fact that the fertility rate has dropped below replacement level is therefore to be regarded as very good news.

    If the present fertility rate of 1.8 children per woman could be reduced to 1.5 by the elimination of unwanted pregnacies, then a target population of 45 million by the middle of next century would not be unrealistic. Even a rate of 1.5 would be higher than the rate of 1.3 which is to be found in Italy today.

    Jo Hanson, Field End, Little Street, Yoxford, Suffolk IP17 3JQ.

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