Dutch Ideas Bank

There is a new ideas-gathering organisation in Holland (for technical ideas and for social innovations) called the Stichting de Nationale Ideeënlijn. It is a largely telephone service that Hido and 15 other volunteers run, with a budget of £10,000 for the first year. Hido is trained in economics and they are all in their thirties. They have been on national TV and have had a lot of publicity. They were amazed to come across The Book of Visions. They have their own book 'Alice in Ideas Land' coming out in '93.

They have suport from some companies and foundations but waste a lot of time trying to raise funds.

'They would like to have a TV programme where you can brainstorm live, with the audience at home joining in'

They acknowledge ideas sent in and send them on to any organisation that can handle them or to a ministry. They do a short quarterly news bulletin for their supporters. One of their achievements has been to introduce some software people to the businessmen they needed. They would like to have a TV programme (as would the London Institute) where you can brainstorm live, with the audience at home joining in.

The Stichting de Nationale Ideeënlijn, Princehof Rapenburg 8-10, 2311 EV Leiden, Holland (tel 071 12 88 83)

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