Give up the most dangerous drug of all - cars

From a letter to the Institute by Rowan Hope.

I suggest a big campaign in response to the Government's massive roadbuildling plans and privatisation of British Rail. I have got to the point where I am so angry and so desperate, that I think the only thing that will save our country is a realisation by ordinary people that cars and roads are killing people and killing the planet. The Department of 'Transport' will never change its policies unless it is forced to as a result of us all reducing our car dependency and undermining their statistics of ever-increasing car traffic. It's happening with drinking and driving, it's happening with smoking in public places, so it could happen with car addiction.

If all the concerned organisations got together for a massive joint campaign, maybe the tide of opinion could shift faster. What I've thought of so far is a poster idea, with the text:


(plus a picture of car)

Travel by walking, cycling, train, tube, bus, taxi, sailing or roller skating, but however you travel, use your car less or give it up altogether:


(plus the names of campaign organisations)

If your organisation is willing to be named as part of this campaign, please write to Rowan Hope, 66c Priory Road, Hornsey, London N8 7EX.

Ed: I think it would be wiser for Rowan Hope to name individuals, with their organisations merely for identification purposes, as it is easier to get commitments this way. Thus Rowan Hope is welcome to name me, Nicholas Albery, chairman of the Institute for Social Inventions, as joining his campaign, as I am fortunate enough not too own a car; but I might have a harder job persuading all my fellow Institute directors.

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