Thorn Tree - Your Choice

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  1. Where is everyone?
    Created by: Cardinal
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:14 Canberra Standard Time]

    Should I be playing Solitaire? Who the hell is around?

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 12:02].

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  2. I'm mad I am.
    Created by: Colin from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:43 Canberra Standard Time]

    Has anyone seen AAOTMNMC, edge, Mr. Nice Guy, or anyone else
    who would be interested in a bit of harmless banter? I'm
    just off to KFC for supper this evening. Anyone fancy

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 12:02].

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  3. Estella...
    Created by: no longer here
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:09 Canberra Standard Time]

    compliments on your handle, unlike Bingo I am a huge fan of
    the lovely Ms. Morissette.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:09].

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  4. Sexual identity crisis
    Created by: Bingo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:46 Canberra Standard Time]

    I am disturbed that because my handle does not allude to
    what gender I am, people immediately assume I am male. This
    annoys me. I am now setting the record straight. I may not
    post waffling philosophies on love and relationships like
    Mermaid, or bore everyone with details of my incredibly
    bland dates like Single girl, or talk about the prom like
    Mariam. I may not like Alanis Morrissette, or wank on about
    how grey is 'the black of the Nineties', but I am female
    and would like everyone to recognise this fact.
    I am also under the impression that the bulk of posters on
    this site are female too, am I right?????

    [Posts on this topic: 25. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 12:01].

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  5. Hi there
    Created by: Venus
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:34 Canberra Standard Time]

    Just found this site...It's pretty cool. It seems like alot
    of you know each other or of each other! How long have you
    been hanging around this site? Since I am new here is there
    any topics I should stay away from? Boundries on what could
    be discussed?? Hope you all have a good day/evening/night!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:23].

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  6. Hot mail
    Created by: me
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:11 Canberra Standard Time]

    Can anyone tell me how to forward attachments I've received
    in hotmail?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:11].

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  7. Photographs that changed the World
    Created by: Conrad
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:06 Canberra Standard Time]

    CARP me if it's been done but this is my list of photographs that have in some way changed the course of history or changed the way we think.
    1) 1942.Photograph of British General Percival with the flag of surrender in front of Japanese victors in Singapore. This photo dispelled the myth of European surperiority and marks the end of the Empires rule in the East.
    2) 1945. Photograph of mushroom cloud from Atomic bomb blast. We're playing for keeps from now on.
    3)1968? Heartbreaking photograph of a young Vietnamese girl running down the road naked and burned by napalm. Image helped change public opinion in the USA. How much different would the war have been if the media weren't allowed to report back on what was happening? BTW, I can't remember her name but she now lives in Toronto.
    4) 1968. Apollo 8 photo of "Earth rise" over the moon. Changed the way we view our planet and our species.
    5) 1989? Photograph of Chinese student in front of Tank. Once again, did the images have an effect on the actions of the Chinese army?
    6) 1990. Pam Anderson in Playboy. OK, didn't change the world but it's my list.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:35].

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    Created by: chris
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:51 Canberra Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:51].

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  9. Hey
    Created by: Mickey
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:50 Canberra Standard Time]


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  10. Going Postal
    Created by: Postal Worker
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    If you can't lick em; burn em. So said Uncle Sam when it was
    discovered that the 100 million new USPS postage stamps
    featuring the Grand Canyon contained an embarassing flaw.
    The text over the illustration on the stamp reads "Grand
    Canyon, Colorado". The Governor of Arizona was rightly

    LP, could you loan us a map maker to relocate the Grand
    Canyon so tat we dont have to burn $500,000 worth of work?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:49].

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  11. The Chinese Menace
    Created by: dj
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:21 Canberra Standard Time]

    For the past 40 years, Russians have been carrying out espionage against the United States. No one raised too much of a hue and cry about it. However, now that the Chinese have been discovered doing the same thing, people are up in arms. Why? Could it be because the Russians are white and the Chinese are not? Is it an ex post justification for the attack on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade? What bloody hypocricy!

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 12:00].

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  12. Question 2 for Amigo
    Created by: caz
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 7:06 Canberra Standard Time]

    I read with great interest your discussion before about
    Noah's ark and Adam and Eve. You got round the insest
    question but how, if all mankind started from just one
    couple, did black white and Asian people devel

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:22].

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  13. Soccer
    Created by: jester
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:35 Canberra Standard Time]

    inside is an interesting tidbit about the origins of the word
    "soccer"... the word comes from the UK and not the US of A..
    you see, its not our fault!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:34].

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    Created by: Bella
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:35 Canberra Standard Time]

    PLLEEAASSE! I'm dating a guy this weekend after chatting to
    him on the net, but I know I'll be tongue tied with nerves
    when we meet, so giz me some advice, tips or any help and if
    there's experiences to share - then DO tell me!!
    All replies appreciated - ta!

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:25].

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  15. Cassie Bernall
    Created by: Scout
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:22 Canberra Standard Time]

    Cassie Bernall was the girl who was shot to death in the
    Columbine High School library, when the killers asked her
    if she believed in God. She said yes and was murdered.
    Now she has become a martyr across the country-- rallies
    are being held in her memory and her murder is credited as
    reinvogarating the teenage Christian crusade. She has
    become a phenomenon. Any thoughts on this?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:23].

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    Created by: Squid
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:54 Canberra Standard Time]

    Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon - $25 million dollars
    Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Bomber - $45 million
    Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - $74 million dollars.
    Brand new B-2 Stealth Bomber - $2.1 billion dollars.
    A decent map of downtown Belgrade. - Priceless.
    There are some things that money can't buy...
    unfortunately good intelligence isn't one of them.
    (unless you're at Los Alamos)
    For the rest, there's MasterCard: the official card of
    the 19-member NATO alliance and those who believe that
    sometimes you just need to blow up something in order to
    restore peace and start WW III with a few billion Chinese.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:54].

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    Created by: Force of Darkness
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:48 Canberra Standard Time]

    I think the latest Darwin Award canidate would have to be
    the WWF's very own Owen Hart. The thing that suprised me the
    most about his death on Sunday actually made the Sports
    page. Since when has WWF wrestling been a sport? Mexican
    telanovellas require less scripting (and are far more
    entertaining) than the WWF. The version I heard was that the
    unfortunate Owen was supposed to slide down from the rafters
    on a cable, but forgot to hook himself up. 50 vertical feet
    later, Splat goes wrestler. Now that a 'professional'
    wrestler is dead, I guess we'll NEVER find the cure for

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 7:02].

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    Created by: questioner
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    Amigo I read your words on the Shroud of Turin but I have an
    interesting question for you on another topic. I think
    someone already asked you this question before and I don't
    think you answered it, I was disapointed so I'll ask it
    again. It is, How did Noah collect two of each of the
    millions of species regardless of their geographical
    distribution on the planet, including all subspecies of
    nematodes and freshwater plankton? I'd like to hear this

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:11].

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    Created by: Travel magazine (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:52 Canberra Standard Time]

    Travel magazine needs articles
    (photos+ text) of Latin American
    touristic and non-touristic destinations.
    We are also looking for pictures for
    the cover: isla Margarita in Venezuela,
    and Havana, Cuba.
    Images must be very colorful, vertical
    and with people.
    Please e-mail low resolution images to:
    tel. in Mexico City (525) 261-26-14
    fax (525) 261-27-32 and 33

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:52].

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  20. 1 Place
    Created by: Traveldude
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    If you could live one place in the world and could NEVER
    travel farther than 30 miles (48km), where would that be
    and why?

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:43].

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  21. Dalai Lama is a fool
    Created by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    He may be leader of the Tibetan people, but he is still an
    ignorant fool. He does not support Tibetan independence,
    merely automony from the Chinese. He advocates rational
    resistance and not civil war. He does not want to make war
    with the Chinese people, only dissenting aganist the
    Communist government. But the Chinese people are the
    problem! It's not just the government but the people!
    Tibet will never be peaceful until the Dalai Lama dies and
    a leader of more Western values emerges who will take up
    arms. Shame on you, Dalai Lama.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:10].

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  22. Happy Birthday Sidelines!
    Created by: 180
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:48 Canberra Standard Time]

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:09].

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  23. Tallest Asian guy
    Created by: Warsteiner
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:59 Canberra Standard Time]

    I was in a pub last night where I met two Chinese guys who
    were taller than me ( I'm 1.95 meter/6 foot 5). Having just
    returned from Vietnam where I felt like a giraffe towering
    above all those short Vietnamese, I thought this was a very
    funny sight. Has anyone else ever seen such tall asian guys
    ( or girls ) ?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:02].

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  24. Worth the $$$?
    Created by: Devi
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:41 Canberra Standard Time]

    Has anyone every paid to join an air courier service? There
    is one located at that wants $45 to
    join. This company doesn't employ you but it does show you
    how to get the flights. They talk about really cheap

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:16].

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  25. Worst song of the decade
    Created by: Brxcqqq
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:14 Canberra Standard Time]

    As the nineties approach their end, what is the worst
    moment this decade has produced musically? I still haven't
    decided wether Whitney Houston (I will always love you) or
    Celine Dion (the Titanic song) - sorry Franτois - should
    take the title. Any other nominations?

    [Posts on this topic: 28. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:58].

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    Created by: SHP
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:01 Canberra Standard Time]

    With the new millenium approaching a barrage of top tens
    for the last 1000 years have the airwaves. It is getting
    boring and I want to sleep.

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:56].

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  27. William S
    Created by: Minger
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:58 Canberra Standard Time]

    Is it just me or is Stratford-upon-Avon the most dreary
    boringest full of Yank twats place in England?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:35].

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  28. Do you ever....
    Created by: Gonads
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    ...create a posting in a different name to your usual and
    then answer it in your usual name....
    What a saddo!

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:40].

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  29. Aye! Caramba
    Created by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:29 Canberra Standard Time]

    When are you going to post something else instead of your
    And by the way isn't it Aye! Carumba??

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:50].

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  30. Some smart advice needed!!!
    Created by: EVE (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:58 Canberra Standard Time]

    The thing is that I am working in some trading company and everything with it is O.K.: The office is greate - we have two big rooms, in each is working 4-5 people; the furniture, the computers are good and even the staff is sociable, but...
    the summer is comming and the Boss is going to save the money on us - his workers. There is no air-conditioners in our office so he decided to put all us in one room which does not have the window to straight sun it faces to the North. He says that it is going to be cooler in it. The othe room, which faces south is going to be left empty.
    All staff is going to be gathered in one room and he does not care that we are doing some different jobs - product managers are always hanging on the phone or having guests, logistic department is working seriously with documents etc... It is going to be a complete mess and I do not believe that it is going to be cooler as well.
    So maybe you can help me - what should we do?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:32].

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  31. What do you really think about...
    Created by: Timbo
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:43 Canberra Standard Time]

    The Aussie accent? Is it really the women puller that it is
    supposed to be? So far I haven't experienced quite that
    level of attraction to the accent (I am an Aussie), but it
    has got me a few things (use your imagination).

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:08].

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  32. Geneology site
    Created by: SHP
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:33 Canberra Standard Time]

    When reading The Mail this morning I saw an article on a
    site that claims to contain 400 Million ancestoral names.
    The only downside is the site is run by
    the church of latter day saints (weird dudes, man!).
    Check it out!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:28].

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  33. Joke du jour
    Created by: TTYC Virgin
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:11 Canberra Standard Time]

    What do you call a bum with a center parting?
    see inside

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:31].

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  34. Foreign Correspondent
    Created by: ABC
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:51 Canberra Standard Time]

    Those interested in great Tv and good discussion. Foreign Correspondent has a post-program discussion forum starting about 10.30 pm.
    Tonight's stories are about Nepal, India and Angela Davis (interview)
    You can find them at

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:51].

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  35. Where the hell has Policeman Gone?
    Created by: TTYC Virgin
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:48 Canberra Standard Time]

    I haven't seen him tell anybody to "stop there boring crap"
    Is he getting more tolerant in his old age?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:01].

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  36. Cloutty giving Poms bad karma
    Created by: Historian
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    *Brothers among British tourists killed near Tully
    Police have confirmed two of the four men killed in this
    fatal accident near Tully were brothers.
    All four were British tourists, backpacking their way up the
    Queensland coast.
    Their names have not been released.
    The men were killed when their Ford sedan was struck from
    behind by
    a semi-trailer while stopped at a roadworks traffic control
    about 10 kilometres north of Tully just after midnight.
    The driver of the truck is being treated for shock.
    It was the second accident at the same location in less
    than four
    hours. A man was taken to hospital after two cars collided
    8:00pm yesterday.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:56].

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    Created by: Cloutty
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:20 Canberra Standard Time]


    Due to the pitch invasions that have taken place at the end
    of their matches (And also every other match !!) Mark Waugh
    is considering pulling out of the competition because of
    fears for the safety of his players. He has lodged three
    seperate complaints, one after each of Australias' matches,
    and he says if there is no improvement in the stewarding
    they will be forced to withdraw.
    I thought it was supposed to be WHINGEING POMS !!
    Comments Please !!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:14].

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  38. Dairy or not?
    Created by: A Cow
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:14 Canberra Standard Time]

    What do you people think? Butter or margarine?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:51].

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  39. Roots
    Created by: Geneal
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:47 Canberra Standard Time]

    Were your ancestors immigrants to your country? Where does your roots come from?

    [Posts on this topic: 27. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:04].

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  40. Happy birthday "Grundgesetz"
    Created by: ro
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:38 Canberra Standard Time]

    50 years of German constitution.
    Our grandfathers generation lived in a fascist system
    responsible for the death of millions that devastated the
    continent - now we┤re living in the 51st year of one of the
    worlds most liberal and attractive constitutions that serves
    as an example for young nations.
    Happy birthday!
    It may not be perfect, but after all it┤s a success story,
    don┤t you think so?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:13].

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    Created by: DARTH SIDOUS
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:25 Canberra Standard Time]

    The phantom menace has made 105 million in just 5 days, the fastest to get there that fast. I've seen the movie twice and I usually never go more than once to any movie. I think it was better than the first three. I've heard alot of critics complaining that the plot was to thin and the characters were boring but the movie is so good to look at and listen too. If you've seen it post your review.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:52].

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  42. Announcing my departure.
    Created by: Net Surfer
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:17 Canberra Standard Time]

    Well, just for today. It is rather dull in here at the
    moment, and I'm having fondue and champagne for dinner
    tonight. Yum Yum.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:12].

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  43. Maddog
    Created by: OSP
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 18:28 Canberra Standard Time]

    are you around?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:56].

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  44. TTYC Book Club has moved!
    Created by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:10 Canberra Standard Time]

    Calling The Scrutineer, @play, Brit, Euro, Conrad, Robert, M.O., Foothill....

    and anyone else interested in continuing the Book Club.

    See inside

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:48].

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  45. Tincture
    Created by: Word of the Day
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:02 Canberra Standard Time]

    TINCTURE (TING chuhr)

    n.: a tiny bit of something, a hint

    v.: to dye; to infuse with some characteristic

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:21].

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    Created by: Pizzaman
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:34 Canberra Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:21].

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  47. Thanks
    Created by: TTYC Virgin
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:26 Canberra Standard Time]

    for all your "who you'd like to meet" posts yesterday.
    It was heartwarming to see you all being so nice to one
    See, its not so difficult is it?
    And Shakey...... I promise not to bang on about MK
    again...Scouts honour

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:21].

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  48. SE Asia condoms
    Created by: Safety first!
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:15 Canberra Standard Time]

    Dear All,
    I've been getting all the usual medical advise from the
    doctors about vaccinations, pills and safe sex prior to my
    travels. Just wondering, they say take your own condoms, as
    the ones available where I'm travelling (thailand, vietman,
    malysia, indonesia) are quite likely to be dodgy. However,
    wouldn't it be quite bad for a pack from the UK to be
    carried around in a rucsac in hot humid weather??? What
    does anyone else think? Has any one had any problems with
    local purchases? You sometimes get the impression that
    these medical people are going a bit over the top with
    their advise. Surely you can tell from how the shop seems
    as to how dodgy it might be?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not going for major sex sessions, I
    just want to be safe when the need might arise (no pun

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:57].

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  49. Men from USA
    Created by: Pedro
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:13 Canberra Standard Time]

    I've noticed that men from America are reluctant to compete
    in world wide team sports. Why is this so? Even the women
    are world soccer champions. The men have to take a sport
    (cricket, rugby, field hockey) and alter it(baseball,
    American Football, Ice Hockey) so they can say they are good
    at it.Why? Do they know that they will get creamed?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:58].

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  50. James C.
    Created by: Raggedy Ann (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:34 Canberra Standard Time]

    Boy, am I glad you are back! Have you seen Andy. I have not
    seen him since he left me for you. It has to be almost a
    year now! Please tell him I just want to talk!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:59].

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  51. Hey baby what's your sign?
    Created by: Stoner
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:12 Canberra Standard Time]

    Any one know of any real good pick up lines? Especially
    lame ones!

    [Posts on this topic: 23. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:49].

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  52. Coffee at 3pm!!!
    Created by: New Loser
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:10 Canberra Standard Time]

    BTW I am suffering from AMNESIA.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:00].

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  53. happy camper!!!
    Created by: mitsy moo-cow
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:00 Canberra Standard Time]

    Well it's nice to know that there are still honest people in
    the world! I lost my wallet last Friday night at a major
    Sydney bus stop and I actually had it returned with
    everything in it - including money!!!! I had started to
    cancel credit cards when my video store rang me with the
    number of the guy who found it. When I picked it up he
    wouldn't even accept a reward. Has this ever happened to
    anyone else? I only ever seem to hear the bad stuff!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:16].

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  54. Nirvana Fan
    Created by: Nirvana Fan
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:53 Canberra Standard Time]

    I am a Nirvana fan. The four noble truths and the eight-fold
    path to Buddhist enlightenment will eventually lead you to
    Nirvana, the place of peace and detachment.
    If I sound different from "Nirvana Fan" and the usual
    dribble he posts, that's ok. I am different. But I am a fan
    of Nirvana.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:17].

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  55. I Need A Proper Job
    Created by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    I am moving back to the UK in september and I need to find
    a proper job as I will soon have a family to support. I am
    good at procrastination and turning up late. But in all
    seriousness, I do need to find a job. Anyone have any
    ideas as to where I can look. I need something more than
    McDonalds so no need in suggesting that or the like.
    The Spin Doctor

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:03].

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  56. Refisool
    Created by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:40 Canberra Standard Time]

    Hey buddy, wanna go for a coffee?

    [Posts on this topic: 45. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:58].

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  57. Women
    Created by: Sid
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:09 Canberra Standard Time]

    Why is it that that all feotuses start off as girls??? One
    answer is that you have to start from somewhere and
    progress to something better. Don't you think?
    This happens in the animal kingdom too. Is nature trying to
    say something here???
    I think it's saying that women are regressive. When I said
    that to a butch dyke the other day she started yelling and
    screaming. I think that proves my point.
    should we let nature take it's course????

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:19].

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  58. Posters
    Created by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:04 Canberra Standard Time]

    My boyfriend has a poster in his bedroom of that Betty Blue
    woman with her tits hanging out of her shirt. As I am not as
    well endowed I feel like it is a continual reproach to me,
    the other day I caught the bastard looking at it while we
    were screwing, should I insist he removes the poster or just
    get a new boyfriend?

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:07].

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  59. Since this song is stuck in my noggin...
    Created by: Gecko
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:03 Canberra Standard Time]

    This line from an 80's song keeps skipping in my head,
    "Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?" I can't remember any
    other lines except the girl's phone number. Anyone else
    remember the number...the thing I can't remember is who
    sang the damned song.

    [Posts on this topic: 105. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:51].

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  60. Look what I found.
    Created by: Cardinal (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:02 Canberra Standard Time]

    In a vain attempt to spice up my internet life I have
    decided to display my new e-mail address. It was not my
    first choice but I am still very proud. Perhaps now I will
    discover what type of person actually inhabits TTYC.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:05].

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  61. way to go
    Created by: bluedog
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:57 Canberra Standard Time]

    Way to go Locket! Anyone see Sundays match! What a star!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:17].

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  62. William
    Created by: ò
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:57 Canberra Standard Time]

    Got 3 e-mails today. Knowing how much you enjoy the ôGreat
    Web E-mail Chain Joke Networkö I thought I should at least
    get in one more jab at you and share one of them with you.

    take care out there :)

    ** The bear and the rabbit **

    One day in the great forest a magical frog was walking down
    to a water hole. This forest was so big that the frog had
    never seen another animal in all his life. By chance today
    a bear was chasing after a rabbit to have for dinner.

    The frog called for the two to stop. The frog said "Because
    you are the only two animals I have seen, I will grant you
    both three wishes...Bear, you go first." The bear thought
    for a minute, and being the male he was, said "I wish for
    all the bears in this forest, besides me, to be female."

    For his wish, the rabbit asked for a crash helmet, and
    immediately put it on. The bear was amazed at the stupidity
    of the rabbit, wasting his wish like that.

    It was the bear's second turn for a wish. "Well, I wish that
    all the bears in the next forest were female as well."
    Rabbit asked for a motorcycle and immediately hopped on it
    and gunned the engine. The bear was shocked that the rabbit
    was asking for these stupid things, after all, he could have
    asked for money and bought the motorcycle.

    For the last wish the bear thought for awhile and then said,
    "I wish that all the bears in the world, besides me, were

    The rabbit grinned, gunned the engine, and said,
    "I wish that the bear was gay..."

    :) :) :)

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:31].

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  63. NYPD Blue
    Created by: ...
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:51 Canberra Standard Time]

    Anyone think Ricky Schroder is good in NTPD Blue? Go on, I'm
    serious. I kind of miss Jimmy Smits. You notice Dennis Franz
    gets top billing now? He's not really star material.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:45].

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    Created by: Billieboy
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:40 Canberra Standard Time]

    go to the SHROUD OF TURIN post below.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:43].

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  65. Car Troubles
    Created by: Miss B
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:32 Canberra Standard Time]

    As a way to alot more money in my personal budget for
    travel, I choose to drive an older used vehicle that I own
    outright. Last week said vehicle blew a rod in the engine,
    and now I need to replace the whole engine. The car is a 13
    yr. old Toyota that I haven't dumped an incredible amount of
    money into in the 2-1/2 years I've had it. Here's where I
    need some outside advice. I work freelance in film and its
    been a slow spring. If I try to get financed on a loan for a
    new or used car, I will have to seriously curb any future
    travel which has become a big part of my life, it's one of
    the things I most enjoy doing. Not to mention that right now
    money is *really* tight. I've shopped around for some used
    engines and found some from seemingly reputable auto
    recyclers (junkyards), and with installation my recent tax
    refund will more than cover it. What should I do? I really
    need some advice. Thank you very much in advance. .

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 15:12].

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  66. Praise the Lord!
    Created by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:31 Canberra Standard Time]

    What a beautiful day He has created and what a beautiful
    world He has made.
    PSALM 100
    Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before Him with joyful songs.
    Know that the Lord is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with
    praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.
    For the Lord is good and His love endures FOREVER;
    His faithfulness continues through all generations. Amen

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:45].

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  67. Somebody love me
    Created by: Cardinal
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:59 Canberra Standard Time]

    Following in the theme of who is around and who would you
    most like to meet on TTYC I'm curious to know why no one
    would like to meet me and what are your colourful and
    varied reasons?

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:03].

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  68. So you think you are oh so clever..
    Created by: Travel advice and all
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:40 Canberra Standard Time]

    Death Penalty? Are you listening Nirvana Fan, Wilster, Bob
    Cheese? Taken from the ME branch.
    The following article appeared in the South China Morning
    Post on 24 May.
    An Australian who allegedly tried to sell his country's
    secrets in Bangkok asked an e-mail
    chat group what canned fruit was best to use for sex.
    Jean-Philippe Wispelaere's contacts with various sex,
    travel and defence chat groups
    reveal a conceited, penny-pinching, immature and
    perhaps lonely man.
    The trail that eventually led him to wait - for FBI
    agents, as it turned out - by a baby
    grand piano at a Thai hotel with some of his country's
    top secrets in a shoulder bag
    criss-crossed the Internet for months before he joined
    the Defence Intelligence
    Organisation in mid-1998.
    Wispelaere, 28, was lured from Bangkok to the United
    States in an FBI sting operation and
    charged last week.
    Apparently, he had thought he was clever trying to sell
    top-secret papers to a so-far
    unnamed Asian country using a false identity. That
    arrogance shows strongly in the sharp
    put-downs he loved dishing out in, for example, travel
    advice on the Internet.
    To a Canadian who wondered what currencies can be used
    in New Zealand, he wrote: "We use
    coconuts and trinkets. Blue marbles are especially
    appreciated, as they can buy no fewer
    than three sheep apiece."
    A guru of budget globe-trotting, "JP" laid down the law
    about travel from Tibet to South
    America, from Hong Kong to Africa.
    But his "advice" was racist at times.
    "Gypsies are filth," he wrote. "I had no trouble with
    them in Italy. As soon as one got
    near I punched it very hard, male or female. I'm a
    110kg bodybuilder, which makes life
    easier in that respect."
    Wispelaere - or Piggy Le Hogg, as he styled himself on
    sexual matters - could pontificate
    knowingly about which sex films you should watch with a
    He once asked what canned fruit to use in sex, writing:
    "Pears and apricots tend to be a
    little bulky."
    Whatever his diversions, he acquired enough knowledge
    of military matters as a graduate
    student at the Australian National University to
    convince his country's spy masters to
    give him access to top-secret papers, many supplied by
    the US under sharing arrangements.
    A travelling companion of Wispelaere's told an
    Australian paper Wispelaere was amazed at
    how easy it had been to steal secrets and that he had
    planned to spy for Britain.
    The Sydney woman, 42, was quoted by the Sun-Herald as
    saying Wispelaere told her he was
    able to photocopy sensitive documents and "just walk
    out the door".
    Wispelaere allegedly handed over 713 secret documents
    in exchange for US$120,000
    (HK$930,000) from FBI agents posing as spies.
    He faces the death penalty in the US if it is shown the
    secrets concerned nuclear weapons
    or military aircraft.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:40].

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  69. Favourite porn stars
    Created by: Bubbaloo
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:18 Canberra Standard Time]

    Name your favourite porn star and recommend a film with that
    star. Boogie Nights doesn't count!

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:51].

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  70. HELLO
    Created by: SINNI
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:13 Canberra Standard Time]

    Just curious as to who is out there?

    [Posts on this topic: 37. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:55].

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  71. Can't just pick on the Yanks!
    Created by: lisa
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:40 Canberra Standard Time]

    This was sent to me by a 'dog' I met in the UK last year.
    Some of you may remember him?
    > Are you European?
    > Are you ready to join a Federal Europe? Try this simple
    quiz to determine
    > just how European you really are...
    > 1. Your wife has asked you to pop into Marks and Sparks
    to buy her a new
    > bra, but when you get to the cash desk you notice there
    is a large queue.
    > What do you do?
    > a. Take your place in line and wait patiently to be
    > b. Put the bra back on the shelf and return later when
    the queue is
    > shorter.
    > c. Barge directly to the front of the line and scream,
    "Ich leber stomph
    > das bustenholten!"
    > 2. You are driving around a roundabout when a car
    suddenly swerves in
    > front of you causing you to brake sharply. How do you
    > a. Drive on, perhaps tutting under your breath.
    > b. Beep your horn at the offending motorist to let him
    know you're
    > annoyed.
    > c. Screech to a halt diagonally across the front of the
    other car, leap
    > out and bang your fists repeatedly on his bonnet
    shouting, "Bastardo!
    > Bastardo! Mamma Mia! Bastardo!"
    > 3. You are walking along the pavement when a rather
    attractive looking
    > woman passes by. Do you:
    > a. Look away modestly, perhaps blushing slightly.
    > b. Smile and maybe say, "Hello".
    > c. Smear a tub of Brylcreem all over your head, pinch her
    bottom then
    > proceed to follow her around for half an hour, together
    with twenty of
    > your mates, all riding pathetic little scooters, making a
    variety of crude
    > and suggestive remarks.
    > 4. You're busy at work when suddenly you realise it's 12
    o'clock. What do
    > you do?
    > a. Have lunch, read the paper, then return to work 45
    minutes later.
    > b. Ignore the time and keep working until you've finished
    the task at
    > hand.
    > c. Sit down under a tree and go to sleep for six hours.
    > 5. You're holidaying on a beach when you see a rather old
    and weary
    > looking donkey giving rides to children. What would you
    > a. Pay no attention. It's a fairly common sight.
    > b. Pat the donkey on the head and offer it a lump of
    > c. Goad it with a sharp stick, then get 50 of your
    friends to jump up and
    > down on its back until it falls over and dies. Then go
    to sleep for six
    > hours.
    > 6. You wake up in the middle of the night feeling a bit
    peckish. Do you:
    > a. Roll over and go back to sleep.
    > b. Pop down to the kitchen for a quick cup of tea and a
    > c. Phone twenty of your friends and invite them to come
    round and spend
    > the next five hours eating snails, frogs, onions and
    garlic, smoking
    > Gitane and drinking 48 litres of wine.
    > 7. You arrive at work first thing in the morning. What
    is the first thing
    > you do?
    > a. Start the day's work straight away.
    > b. Sit in the loo for twenty minutes reading the paper.
    > c. Spend three hours shaking hands with your colleagues,
    hugging them and
    > kissing them on both cheeks as though you have not seen
    them for twenty
    > years.
    > 8. You admire your neighbour's lawn which is particularly
    well kept. Which
    > of the following would you do?
    > a. Nothing. You're quite happy with your own patchy area
    of grass.
    > b. Ask his advice to enable your lawn to look as good as
    > c. After promising him that you won't, move your garden
    fence onto his
    > land making his lawn part of your garden. If he
    complains, shoot him.
    > 9. You are walking down the street when you see an old
    lady being mugged
    > by two youths. Would you:
    > a. Wade in without regard for your own safety and try to
    fight the youths
    > off.
    > b. Run to the nearest phone box to call the police.
    > c. Ignore the fracas completely, declare your neutrality
    by waving a
    > little white flag above your head, then scarper back to
    your underground
    > nuclear bomb shelter and try to work out how much money
    you've made by
    > selling vastly overpriced timepieces and multi-purpose
    folding knives.
    > 10. Your local football team has won a game. How would
    you celebrate.
    > Would you:
    > a. Go down the pub and have a few pints with your friends.
    > b. Just stay at home. You aren't that interested in
    > c. Drive around in circles in a stupid little twenty year
    old Fiat with
    > six people on the roof, screaming Ole' ole' ole' ole' at
    the top of your
    > voice waving your arms out of the windows and honking the
    bloody horn all
    > night.
    > Clearly if you are a true European you would have
    answered C to all of the
    > above.
    > This is what we want in Europe:
    > 1) Swiss salary.
    > 2) Luxembourg taxes.
    > 3) German car.
    > 4) British home.
    > 5) Spanish girls.
    > 6) French wine.
    > 7) Italian food.
    > 8) Belgian beer.
    > 9) Austrian mountains.
    > 10) Danish administration.
    > And this is the EC's proposal for a Europe after EMU:
    > 1) Czech salary.
    > 2) Swedish taxes.
    > 3) Spanish car.
    > 4) Greek home.
    > 5) Irish girls.
    > 6) German wine.
    > 7) British food.
    > 8) French beer.
    > 9) Dutch mountains.
    > 10) Italian administration.
    > Apparently, when we join the EMU, the term "spending a
    penny" will be
    > replaced by "euronating".

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:14].

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  72. I'm bored....
    Created by: Bebe
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:32 Canberra Standard Time]

    Any ideas about interesting things to do at night while I'm
    in Sydney? Bands, clubs or anything out of the ordinary....

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:05].

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  73. When it was light
    Created by: Carole
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:31 Canberra Standard Time]

    I saw a fence with trees behind it and a squirrel and lizards on it. Oh, and weeds (my landlord won't give me the key to go back there and clean up).

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:45].

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  74. Health
    Created by: Michelle
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    I know the LP has a health site but does anyone know if
    there is a site which will tell you exactly what
    injections/pills you need for a given place. I think the
    vaccination place I went to on my last trip 'over-

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:15].

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  75. Sandy,
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:45 Canberra Standard Time]

    check your email.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:35].

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  76. Trouble with SNERTS
    Created by: A Helping Hand
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:59 Canberra Standard Time]

    As some of the more avid readers here may have ascertained
    my colleagues and I have been watching the daily activities
    on this bulletin board as a laboratory of deviant behaviour
    in online multimedia communities. Since a larger number of
    you have often enquired into possible strategies for
    managing such deviant behaviour, and have taken some rather
    unorthodox approaches in implementing those strategies to no
    avail, I thought that the more positive posters on this site
    might be interested in some professional direction.

    I direct you to some recent research by colleague John Suter
    at the follwing website:


    Good luck with any progress you may make in restoring order!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:58].

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    Created by: Captain CAVE man
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:02 Canberra Standard Time]

    Does anyone remember captain cave man and what happened to

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:12].

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  78. Where is Colin?
    Created by: AAOTMNMC
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:17 Canberra Standard Time]

    Has anyone noticed my friend Colin from the Fast Show? I
    miss his humour and the fact that he takes orders when he
    gets something to eat, eg. McDonalds. If you see him point
    him this way will you. Ta muchly.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 7:17].

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  79. Wilster
    Created by: Tadpole
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:30 Canberra Standard Time]

    How is the shoulder and health at the moment.
    I think that it is about time we had this game of International golf that we keep posting about, don't you?
    It must have thrawed out over in your neck of the woods by now.
    I am playing 18 holes this weekend ( saturday my time) and am in desperate need of some new golf balls. Mind you , the golf game has gone to pot as well with the draw shots changing to a slower left hand hook again.
    I know from your last post to me on this subject that you could be coming to Melbourne in Febuary nect year but I do believe that this is too long a time in between challenge and game.
    The time in now, mate, for the TTYC challenge game between the Ocker and the Yank and I will be wearing my lucky cap and probably my wet weather gear so this will be your best opportunity for you for a win and to receive those three little Greg Norman white suckers.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:58].

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  80. The evening bird
    Created by: Traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:17 Canberra Standard Time]

    The bird is calling
    someone here tonight
    The fading sun is falling
    Left is the creeping fright
    Do you fear the fox so crafty
    Or the crow so naughty?
    Did they catch your children small
    Or did you trick them after all?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:13].

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  81. YIPPEE!!!!!
    Created by: Traveldude
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:12 Canberra Standard Time]

    Only 3 work days left until vacation!!!!!!!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:54].

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  82. Spending Mon. am figuring out what 's up
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:54 Canberra Standard Time]

    there are advantages and disadvantages to always being the
    last time zone to join the party. Anyone care to email me
    and fill me in?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:54].

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  83. Cricket Results
    Created by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:28 Canberra Standard Time]

    West Indies won by 7 wickets
    They were 158 for 3 from 44.2 overs

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:35].

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  84. Where's the monolith?
    Created by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:16 Canberra Standard Time]

    Lonely Planet is not going to initiate a registration.
    Lonely Planet is not going to start working on weekends.
    Lonely Planet is not going to change anything.

    It does reminds me, though, of the opening scene to 2001...
    where the apes are beating up on each other. So, where's
    the monolith?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:57].

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  85. Tunes...
    Created by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    I just got "Buena Vista Social Club" in the mail
    today via and it sounds great (I haven't
    listened to the entire CD yet). I didn't listen to tons of
    music in Cuba, but listening to this kind of music takes me

    The head guy of this CD comprised of many artists is like
    in his 80's I think. Also, it's interesting to see Ry
    Cooder involved.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:43].

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  86. The Shroud of Turin
    Created by: student
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:50 Canberra Standard Time]

    Has anyone ever seen the Shroud of Turin in Italy, I would
    love to see it. I truly believe its the authentic cloth
    laid on Jesus' body. I've heard a lot of stories about it,
    good and bad but the evidence seems to say that its
    authentic. What do you think?

    [Posts on this topic: 41. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:37].

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  87. Phobias
    Created by: Scaredy Cat
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:48 Canberra Standard Time]

    Does anyone have any phobias, like really bad ones?
    I have a fear of Revolving Doors (getting trapped in the same
    segment as someone else or getting the back of your heels
    trapped if you don't walk fast enough)

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:24].

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  88. Hometime
    Created by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:43 Canberra Standard Time]

    I'm off home from work in half an hour and i've got the whole
    house to myself this evening.
    I'm contemplating running the hoover round and changing the
    bed sheets but there must be more to life than this!
    Has anyone got any suggestions?
    I can check the answers at home aswell as here at work so i
    wont miss out on an top ideas.

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 18:24].

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    Created by: Rosalea (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:30 Canberra Standard Time]

    What do you look for in a website? What makes you use that
    web again and again. What changes would you make in
    general if you had a web of your own? I personally would
    like things to be faster with not so many pictures. They
    may be pretty, but sure slow things down alot.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:39].

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    Created by: FLASH
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:00 Canberra Standard Time]

    How do you feel about this statement?
    Does one learn more about life and people through travel as
    opposed to schools and full time jobs?
    Is the basic problem of our planet lie in the fact that most
    people know very little about other
    What stops us from learning about others?

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:23].

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  91. :)
    Created by: What Makes a Good Poster?
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:00 Canberra Standard Time]

    What, in your opinion, are the characteristics of a good poster? Sense of humour? Well-informed? Considerate of others?
    And do you feel compelled to be a "good" poster, or a "bad" poster? Why?

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:17].

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  92. Blind Date
    Created by: Cilla Black
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:34 Canberra Standard Time]

    If you were a cake in a bakers, what cake would you be and
    And that goes to .......

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:58].

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  93. Total Eclipse of the Fart
    Created by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:46 Canberra Standard Time]

    What is everyone's plans for the Total Eclipse on 11 August??

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:15].

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  94. And after 50 overs
    Created by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:43 Canberra Standard Time]

    New Zealand are all out for 156 after 48.1 overs. Just
    thought I would let you know.

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:37].

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  95. I'm going to Ireland...
    Created by: Plasticpaddy
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:07 Canberra Standard Time]

    ...for a weeks R&R in Co. Clare on the beautiful west coast
    of Ireland, my favourite place on earth.
    I shall drink Guinness, say 'begorrah' and 'top o'the
    mornin' and act like a sterotype.
    If the mood grabs me I shall go to Dingle in Co. Kerry and
    visit my family. If, of course I can persuade someone to
    drive me about seeing as I'm bit of a raspberry at the
    Later boys and girls, I'm going to kiss my kidneys

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:44].

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  96. back to issues
    Created by: dora
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:50 Canberra Standard Time]

    rumania reported the acid rains and damage to the forests
    and threes due to nato bombing the chemistry factories in
    btw, does anyone know has somebody studied and analised the
    impacts of oil pollution in Gulf or is it yet too early?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:23].

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  97. William
    Created by: William Fan
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:41 Canberra Standard Time]

    Why is it that the only funny and articulate men these days
    are gay?

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:10].

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  98. Mexico
    Created by: becSTAR
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:23 Canberra Standard Time]

    It seems that I have to come to TYYC for a travel topic.
    Nowhere else in TT will answer my post.
    I am interested in travelling to Central America (Mexico) in
    partuclar. Has anyone ever travelled with GREEN TOROISE? I
    picked up a brochure on them whilst in the States last and
    they seemes okay, adventure-type camping trek. I want a
    different tour that goes out of the way? Does anyone know
    of any in Mexico? Want to share some experiences?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:18].

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  99. If you could meet
    Created by: TTYC Virgin
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:59 Canberra Standard Time]

    in person, one TTYC Poster, which would it be and why.

    [Posts on this topic: 31. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:59].

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  100. Privacy Shprivacy
    Created by: James C.
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:24 Canberra Standard Time]

    All this talk of Shutup people's privacy being violated is
    just bullocks. If you insist on your innocence then what's
    the problem anyway if anything is exposed. Hell, I will
    show as an example what little privacy I care about if I
    have nothing to hide. Below are email exchanges between my
    girlfriend and I yesterday over an incident Saturday night:
    hey john,
    i'm at work right now.. i kinda feel bad last night you
    know, gettin' upset at you and all.. maybe there was a
    reason why you weren't 'up' for sex.. (ommitted)
    To tell you the truth, I was too embarassed last night to
    tell you that I couldn't get hard because I had spent the
    whole afternoon doing it with myself. I KNOW, I shouldn't
    have, but I didn't know that we were seeing each other last
    night until you gave me an unexpected call. I thought you
    were going to Lisa's for the night.. (omitted)

    Okay, if I don't care to expose this sort of stuff, shove
    your "my privacy is violated" crap up your ass because you
    are all a bunch of whiners who have no place in society.
    If I had money I would buy you guns to kill yourselves.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:50].

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  101. Has anyone seen the Plastic Man???
    Created by: Dave from AA ( )
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:13 Canberra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know where the Plastic Paddy is??

    He has been conspicuous by his absence from these pages for
    a while now. Clouty, anyone???? Know where he is???

    I miss the humour!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 22:22].

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  102. Peace at last?
    Created by: Blowing tree
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:02 Canberra Standard Time]

    I mourning warbler singing
    a little hymn for peace
    The children in the ruins joining
    This modest song of hope
    Does anybody listen?
    Blowing tree

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:02].

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    Created by: FURBALL
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:30 Canberra Standard Time]

    I often chuckle to myself when I recall a post a few days
    ago about 'Colin from The Fast Show' being sent back here
    in shame by someone who caught him being cheeky in the USA
    section. Where are you Colin? You are the most valid insane
    one of everyone here. Come back and make us laugh again.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 20:30].

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  104. Tell me your all time favorite comedy
    Created by: Tom
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:53 Canberra Standard Time]

    What is your all time favorite comedy TV program or movie
    Could be current or past

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:18].

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  105. Tell me your all time favorite comedy
    Created by: Tom
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:52 Canberra Standard Time]

    What is your all time favorite comedy TV program or movie
    Could be current or past

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:52].

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    Created by: Not anglo
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:01 Canberra Standard Time]

    You just have to read most of the below posts.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:09].

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  107. Tourist in my own town
    Created by: Hurricane
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:15 Canberra Standard Time]

    For a change of pace if anyone is interested.

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:11].

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  108. Gardens
    Created by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:47 Canberra Standard Time]

    I love visiting gardens when I travel, especially ones that are important to the heritage, built environment or artistic /architectural development of a particular society. For example, Versailles, or Sissinghurst (the latter is my favourite garden ever).

    What are some of the great gardens you have visited?

    Please not, I am also a fan of nature and wilderness, but I am really asking about cultivated gardens here.
    Did anyone see Tom Stoppard's play, 'Arcadia' ? It combines main elements of my favourite pursuits, not least of which is the English movement for park-like gardens. The best example of that is Stourhead, another magnificent offering in England.

    I guess the concept of humans attempting to conquer nature fascinates me (not necessarily as a laudible goal, mind you). Simon Schama's book 'Landscape and memory' is terific in this area. Anyone read it?

    So, who wants to talk about gardens?

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:21].

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  109. Favourite car...
    Created by: pussycat
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:11 Canberra Standard Time]

    What's your ideal car?
    Mine of course, is a Citroen DS, or perhaps a Citroen SM.

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:15].

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  110. Malta
    Created by: Falcon
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:25 Canberra Standard Time]

    I'm planning on taking a trip to this interesting little
    The more I read about it the more interested I am of going
    there. I was wondering if anyone here has any experiences
    of traveling there and what can I expect.
    I'm posting here cause I couldn't figure out wether to post
    it in the Africa forum or the west europe forum.
    Any sort of response appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:26].

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  111. New ALPHABET game
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:41 Canberra Standard Time]

    Name all TTYC posters! Inside!

    [Posts on this topic: 41. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:15].

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  112. OK
    Created by: OSP
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 14:46 Canberra Standard Time]

    Does anyone want to talk about anything that does not
    include shutup or onelist.

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:53].

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    Created by: CONFUSED?????
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:35 Canberra Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:41].

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  114. We Are The Champions!!!!!
    Created by: STINKY
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:23 Canberra Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 13:23].

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  115. Prettiest sunset you've seen
    Created by: silent majority
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:16 Canberra Standard Time]

    tell us where was the best sunset you have seen.

    ps shutup members take note, my opst is the most obvious way
    to improve the site. shamefully, you guys chose impostering
    and flaming instead.
    pps i am an old-timer and i do not need people to represent
    me. nice patronage but no thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:50].

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  116. The Pest-Poster:
    Created by: J.C.Clarke
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 12:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    The pest-poster pulled up,propped his pushbike at a
    pillar-box,pulled out his 'peen,paused at a post and pissed.
    "Piss in the proper place",pronounced a perturbed proper-
    poster,and presently,this particular part of the Planet was
    plunged into a panorama of public pressure and private
    pleasure through pain.
    The pandemonium prompted the poster-police,who patrolled the
    precinct in panda cars,to pull up and peruse the
    problem,while pickpockets picked pockets in pairs.
    "Arrest the pest-poster who so pointedly pissed on that
    public post",pleaded the peeved proper-posters,practically
    palpitating.The powerful poster-police who picked up the
    pest-poster,pronounced him a poof,a pansy,a punk rocker,a
    pinko and a poodle-poker.
    They picked him up,pummeled his pelvis,punctured his
    pipes,played ping-pong with his private parts and pushed him
    into a place of penal putrification.
    A poster-police provocoteur put poison pellets in his
    porridge.The poster-police provocateur was promoted and the
    pest-poster was presented with the Pulitzer

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 9:37].

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  117. Procrastination is the devil's work
    Created by: Inquisitor
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 11:55 Canberra Standard Time]

    While responding to another thread, I mentioned my
    procrasination problem. Are there any other devoted
    procrastinators out there, and what methods do you use to
    aid in this procratination? (eg posting on chatlines all
    day). How can I stop procrastinating and actually get some
    work done? I realise I sound pathetic, but I really could
    use some advice.

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 5:10].

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  118. TTYC Book Club
    Created by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:13 Canberra Standard Time]

    Scrutineer - are you there?
    Did you make a decision about the next book?

    RMM is away this week, so discussion of Desert Places will
    start next Monday Australian time / Tuesday N American
    time, after the US long weekend.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:08].

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  119. I believe..
    Created by: student
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:34 Canberra Standard Time]

    I can't remember but didn't they find Noah's Ark in Turkey a
    number of years ago? Or at least they think its the Ark, it
    is logged in ice in mountains, does anyone know anything
    about this? Where is Amigo when you need him?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:44].

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  120. Where will you be going this summer?
    Created by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:18 Canberra Standard Time]

    I start out with Helsinki next week. Hopefully, we will also
    manage a quick trip to Belgium by car. What are your travel
    plans this summer?

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:32].

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  121. what is going on here???
    Created by: blue fish
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:08 Canberra Standard Time]

    just returned from a beautiful journey in india and am
    suffering the usual confusion and ceaseless questioning
    that always accompanies my return:
    why have i come back here?
    what am i going to do?
    when will i be able to save up enough to go away again?
    will this feeling wear off soon so i can settle down?
    the answers seemed to clear before. before, i was looking
    forward to coming home. how quickly we forget! the grass
    is always greener.
    i know it's a well-worn topic, but please, remind me again
    that i'm not alone. solutions, anyone????

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:37].

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  122. Meanings of World Currency Names
    Created by: Steve
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:17 Canberra Standard Time]

    Here's a question for you travellers: What do the names of
    the world's currencies mean? Are there some interesting
    names that say something about the countries involved. A
    couple that I find interesting are the Botswanan "Pula",
    which means rain, and reflects the scarcity and the value
    of rain in that country, and the Guatemalan "Quetzal",
    which is named after one of the most beautiful birds in the
    Central American rainforrest.

    What about the meanings of "Dinar", "Escudo", "Rupee",
    "Drachma", "Rand", and even "Dollar" etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:28].

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  123. Egypt to India by boat?
    Created by: duncan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:40 Canberra Standard Time]

    `Does anyone travel by boat anymore, im planning to go down the red sea from Suez. I want to get as far as India. I know that there are ferrys and other ships that go from suez to Jedda in Saudi Arabia and Port Sudan in Sudan. and that from there some travel on to Dubai and Karachi in Pakistan.
    Has anyone out there travelled this way or does anyone know if there are many travelling this way. If so can you get boats straight from Egypt to India.Do you need visas for all stops on route or can you get access at the port, ie in Jedda. What are the prices to travel on these boats and how safe are they.
    thanks, duncan

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 11:24].

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  124. This Weeks Reasons to Party
    Created by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 3:53 Canberra Standard Time]

    May 24 - Mary Had A Little Lamb is written, 1830
    May 25 - The movie Star Wars is released, 1977
    May 26 - John Wayne's birthday, 1907
    May 27 - The first black light is sold in a novelty shop,
    May 28 - The first Batman comic book is introduced, 1939
    May 29 - The first people reach the top of Mt Everest, 1953
    May 30 - The Compact disk is introduced, 1981

    And for the remaining of Memorial Day Weekend I'll be away.

    May 31 - Clint Eastwood's birthday, 1930
    June 1 - The first Superman comic book is published, 1938

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 6:49].

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  125. William
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:08 Canberra Standard Time]

    Give us a travel update please... Wilster can't wait to get
    in on it.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 14:05].

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  126. Travel!!!
    Created by: When the dust (settles)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 0:15 Canberra Standard Time]

    If you had to tell someone just one story from your travel
    experiences, what would it be? Share it with us, or else we
    can all die from war-overdose.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 10:52].

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  127. the obituary column
    Created by: dr lovely in death floyd
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 21:57 Canberra Standard Time]

    we regrettably announce the death of dr pink floyd
    cause of death; toxic boredom syndrome
    source; this damn site and its race wars.
    pay your respects and pissoff.
    as this site is as sparkling as soap opera, i will no doubt
    make a comeback,albiet with a case of amnesia and a sleazy
    latin outlook on life.
    see you all in better times
    the doc.

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 9:09].

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  128. I like Ginger Nut biscuits
    Created by: Ginger Nut
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:42 Canberra Standard Time]

    with a cup of tea. How 'bout you?

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:17].

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  129. EAGLES you bloody legends !!!
    Created by: Zippy
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 18:47 Canberra Standard Time]

    What a fantastic game there today in Sydney. Bad luck
    Swanees, played very, very well - best game I've seen all
    year so far.
    Plugger - consolations mate, Ashley McIntosh was always
    going to be hard to get the 6 on. You'll do it for sure
    next week.
    "We're the Eagles, we're flying high !!!" 8-1
    Oh, and to Lonely Planet: please remove the dipshit postings
    below: "ttttttt" and "losers". Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 11:49].

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  130. The Castle
    Created by: Charles
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 17:18 Canberra Standard Time]

    Now we all know the truth. Aussie culture is a cheap
    imitation of suburban us/uk culture.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 1:59].

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  131. Wilster at it again
    Created by: Loser watch (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:53 Canberra Standard Time]

    I said that I was going to TransSiberian railway in 2
    weeks, and all Wilster could do was babble on about how
    he's going to Bosnia. He's never going to actually have a
    civil travel discussion with anybody without going "look
    what _I_'ve done, it's MORE significant".

    And he patronized me by saying "Captain you mean the
    TransManchurian since you aren't going through Vladivostok".

    Well Wilster oh-you-smart-one, I _am_ going through
    Vladivostok, but oh-you-smart-one just had to patronize me
    to show your superior knowledge of the TransSIBERIAN
    railway, right?????

    That is so indicative of the problem on this site - it's
    NOT the flamers who are problematic; it's those elitists
    who patronize everyone else. These elitists just happen to
    be socially inept in real life.

    Wilster, if I wanted to brag about traveling like you, I
    would have said when you posted last week about Bosnia,
    CONTROL. But I didn't do that then, did I? Because I'm
    not some loser elitist who feels that my cock grows another
    3 inches when I patronize and belittle fellow backpackers
    on an Internet forum.

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 11:43].

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  132. I am the only one on YC who's ever been
    Created by: Basil Assad
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 12:17 Canberra Standard Time]

    to? Ok you hosers, quit moaning about imposters and tell
    me if any of you have been to places you are sure other
    YCers won't have been to. While most of you wankers
    haven't been beyond the well-worn trail from computer to
    toilet to kitchen to dole office, some of us have actually been
    somewhere. I will start with 2 places not one of you dope-
    heads has ever been:
    Bokondini (Irian Jaya)
    Pulangpisau (Kalimantan).
    This quiz should satisfy those among you who see obscure
    destinations as a prize to be won and boasted and dreamed
    about. You others blobs who never leave your computer
    desks, this might inspire you to do so.

    [Posts on this topic: 23. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 11:42].

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  133. Two newbies
    Created by: Aloha Bobby and Rose
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:11 Canberra Standard Time]

    Who's running this chicken outfit?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 5:41].

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  134. I┤m so damn good
    Created by: ABNORMOOL (formerly Refisool)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:13 Canberra Standard Time]

    I'm back from my all expenses day trip to Cedar Rapids
    (Iowa)where I was also payed $US13 to show some idiot
    farmer how to face it being a retard. Hah I'm so damn good
    at it.
    Managed to bed one of his sheeps too, boy do I enjoy hairy
    specimens with nice firm massive butts.
    On my way back I met an curious character in the Bus
    Station. This oldie lame was talking with his suitcase.
    Yeah, I swear. Dressed in hawaian shirt he was telling his
    suitcase something like this: "Chief, this reminds me of
    that time when I was in El Salvador, captain...). He
    sounded very familiar to me. Still don┤t know now....
    Later on, when I arrived at my hometown (where I am a
    dimwit tabloid filler) watched two teens playing with their
    teddy bears. God! they were Nirvana fanny and the Net
    Surfer!! I know this ┤cause I also played with them for a
    while. They were so scared at me! Man am I great or what?
    Home at last! I like my filthy flat a lot. Checked the
    answer machine but nobody had called. Like this surprised
    me! Well, I decided to hit the TTYC for 16 hrs. Yes pals,
    this is the highlight of my day: Making TTYC┤ posters think
    I am anything more than just a 43 years old loser. Not to
    worry folks...somehow I will manage to impost everyone,
    even Nirvana fanny and Net Surfer, if necessary. Am I a
    productive poster or what?
    I┤m into a handle change as well. From now on I want you to
    call me ABNORMOOL due to the brain delay I suffer.
    Abnormool (formerly Refisool)....I'm so damn good

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:36].

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  135. Cup Final
    Created by: Bill and Ben
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 19:04 Canberra Standard Time]

    We've got a crate of Tusker ready and waiting.
    Would anyone like to predict the final score?
    We think 2-1 Manchester United.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 13:31].

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  136. If
    Created by: American
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 18:14 Canberra Standard Time]

    If even the Mexicans can learn the Metric system, why can't

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 11:08].

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  137. What's the best way...
    Created by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 16:45 Canberra Standard Time] be the Shoot Your Mouth Off topic ? A serious issue,
    some weird joke, or what ? Any ideas ? I want my moment of
    fame ! There seems to be a lot from this strand, so you lot
    are the obvious experts !

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 4:52].

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  138. Shoot Your Mouth Off!
    Created by: Debs
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 16:31 Canberra Standard Time]

    Hey, Zog's very witty post re: the new Star Wars flick is
    the Shoot your mouth off topic. All bow in the presence of

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:17].

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  139. To all the ladies??
    Created by: Siara
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 15:30 Canberra Standard Time]

    I want to ask a serious question........What are the
    advantages and disadvantages to dating an older man. Like
    about 12 years older that you? Very concerned!!!!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 19:54].

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  140. In Vino, Veritas
    Created by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 11:29 Canberra Standard Time]

    Having read through too many odes to suds on this site, I'm
    wondering how many people here prefer a fine red wine. As a
    Canadian, I'm pretty much stuck with imports due to the fact
    that our best reds are no better than OK. Mmost are more
    suitable for the Wine Expectorator than the wine spectator.
    So what's your favorite local red, all you lucky Aussies,
    Frenchies, Americans, Chileans, Italians, et al? And tell me
    what it tastes like.
    PS And all you half-brights, spare us your poetic renderings
    of how your favorites taste like various bodily fluids. We

    [Posts on this topic: 33. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:20].

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  141. Question
    Created by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 8:35 Canberra Standard Time]

    What do you think of Ally McBeal!

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:30].

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  142. Movers
    Created by: Zero
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 8:24 Canberra Standard Time]

    I have lived abroad and moved "back home" a couple of times.
    I have a few questions:

    1. What is the best thing about living abroad?

    2. What is the worst thing about living abroad?

    3. What is the best thing about moving back home?

    4. What is the worst thing about moving back home?

    5. How do you tackle/combat the lows abroad and at home?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 9:23].

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  143. America's Foreign Policy Mistakes
    Created by: Steve
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:09 Canberra Standard Time]

    Now that the cold war is over and the good guys(USA) have
    won, and the proper political and economic systems
    (Democracy and Capitalism) are firmly in place in most of
    the world, I think it is easy to look back with 20-20
    hindsight and point out the foreign policy mistakes and
    transgressions of good judgement that America made in the
    heat of the battle. Yes, meddling in the affairs of
    foreign countries and supporting tyranical dictators solely
    on the basis that they opposed Communism was morally wrong
    and a violation of America's own high ideals of freedom and
    self-determination, but shouldn't we have been allowed a
    few transgressions since we we fighting a very real war
    against a very real enemy, and I think on the whole, it is
    clear that America was fighting for a just and moral cause.

    Despite the fact that the USA made mistakes along the way,
    I like the way things turned out in the end! I for one am
    glad that the Soviet Union fell, and that freedom and
    Democracy are rampant in the world today. The shame I feel
    over isolated individual mistakes that America made during
    the cold war(and there were many) is overshadowed by the
    overwhelming pride I have for America's role in bringing
    freedom, Democracy and at least a fair shot at economic
    prosperity to many of the oppressed peoples of the world.
    I feel a pride in this equal to the pride I feel for
    America's pivotal role in fighting Fascism in the world
    during the previous generation.

    Comments Please.

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:40].

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  144. Surrender
    Created by: Tojo
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:52 Canberra Standard Time]

    I was just watching a programme about WW II, and it was
    describing the Japanese conquest of Singapore. It seems that
    50,000 Japanese landed on the Malay coast, and proceeded to
    Johore Bahru by BICYCLE! They arrived to find 200,000
    Commonwealth troops, mostly Aussies and Kiwis, "defending"
    Singapore. Despite their huge advantage in numbers and
    fortified position, after a token resistance, the English
    and their Anzac allies surrendered without a fight, and gave
    up their weapons.
    The newsreel footage showed kilometers of them, being
    photographed from the air as they stood uninjured in their
    ranks, symbolizing the end of European supremacy in Asia.
    The Japanese then marched them off to die building the
    invasion routes (e.g Bridge on the River Kwaii) into Burma,
    feeling justified in treating them as subhuman because of
    their spineless and cowardly surrender.
    How much do you think the exaggerated macho bravado
    Australian men try to project today comes from this
    humiliation of their spineless fathers and grandfathers?

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:12].

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  145. Sick of this!
    Created by: Amy
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:47 Canberra Standard Time]

    I am so sick of hearing of hearing about violence among
    teenagers in the schools!! I happen to be from Colorado and
    this Littleton media frenzy is disgusting! It is a very
    marketable event. It's like going to a concert! There are
    CD's, bumper stickers, t-shirts,ect...Everyone wants to be a
    part of the attention. There are loads of special events,
    and fund raisers, people drive for miles to gawk at Clement
    park which is covered with flowers-florists couldn't be
    happier! They area is covered with trash that "tourists"
    eave behind. In the surrounding neighborhoods there are
    Columbine decorations-ribbons and wreaths. It's like the
    neighbors are competing on who has the best Columbine
    tradgety decor. It's repulsive! I just read a statistic that
    60,000 kids were killed last year by their parents. Hundreds
    of Kosavo refugees are dying in camps everyday but yet it is
    a less newsworthy(meaning unmarketable) event. Who else

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 5:49].

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  146. Hi guys!
    Created by: Cyberia (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:36 Canberra Standard Time]

    Hello, I'm Cyberia and I'm a 19 year old girl from Durham,
    North Carolina. I stumbled on this site last week and you
    sure seem to be a happy bunch. So what's up here? Tell me
    all i need to know.

    [Posts on this topic: 28. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 6:20].

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  147. Europeans
    Created by: Intrepid
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    As you all know deep down us U.S. citizens are the master
    race. Why do Europeans (U.K. mostly) have so much jealousy
    and bitterness towards us. Is it because our women are so
    stunning? because we are so intelligent? or because we
    control the planet in one way or another? Brits and Aussies
    are one and the same.
    Please explain to us why you are so jealous of our country.

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:50].

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  148. This one's for James S.
    Created by: Brxcqqq
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:44 Canberra Standard Time]

    > > Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you
    check for a pulse?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: Did you check for breathing?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive
    when you began the autopsy?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
    > > A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
    > > Q: But could the patient have still been alive
    > > A: It is possible that he could have been alive and
    practicing law somewhere.
    > > Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you
    check for a pulse?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: Did you check for breathing?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive
    when you began the autopsy?
    > > A: No.
    > > Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
    > > A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
    > > Q: But could the patient have still been alive
    > > A: It is possible that he could have been alive and
    practicing law somewhere.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 9:14].

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  149. On a positive note,
    Created by: Wholesome
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 13:01 Canberra Standard Time]

    what has been the best thing you have got from discovering
    For me it would have to be my long distance relationship
    with a very special person.

    Ain't love grand?

    [Posts on this topic: 33. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:46].

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  150. Dagobah, humbug!
    Created by: ZOGA (Yoda's distant cousin)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:21 Canberra Standard Time]

    Anybody the new Star Wars movie has seen? Seen it I have,
    and diappointed I was! Mmmm, yes! Strong was not the Force
    with Lucas on this one. Sucked it did not, yet so much more
    was I expecting. When $115 million on making a movie you
    spend, be sure the story is interesting at least you should!
    Lavish were the special effects and many were the strange
    creatures, but boring was the plot! Cared you not whether
    young Anakin would win the podrace, because already you
    knew! And on my nerves Jar Jar Binks quickly got. Cousin
    Yoda much younger looking was however, a day not over 600
    years old he looked! In this movie was there much to look
    at, yet lacking were the suspense and interest. Too much was
    the icing and too little was the cake! Succumbed, Lucas
    obviously has, to the Mark(eting) Side of the Force! A good
    swift kick in the butt by a Wookiee needs he! Mmmm, yes!
    Well, go now I must. Being not a Jedi like cousin Yoda, get
    ready to drive the truck I must.

    [Posts on this topic: 40. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:50].

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  151. Groovy Souveniers
    Created by: Travel Junkie
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:49 Canberra Standard Time]

    What objects have you brought back from your travels are truly unique and indicative of the place where you were? Do you have any momentos that are rare, unique or one-off? What have you brought home that reminds you of your travels every time you look at it? Maybe this can be an interesting thread for those people on this site who actually do travel.

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:55].

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  152. AHHHH!!!
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:07 Canberra Standard Time]

    I just smashed the tip of my middle finger in the damn FedEX
    drop box outside. It doen't seem to be broken, but there is
    a horrible looking black spot underneath the fingernail, the
    finger is tingling, and it's much warmer than my other
    fingers. And most of all, it hurts like HELL! Ahhhhh!
    Somebody, kiss it and make it better!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:20].

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  153. Dana Plato and me
    Created by: Too timid to say
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 6:53 Canberra Standard Time]

    I am surprised I have not yet seen a post on Dana Plato,
    the former "Diff'rent Strokes" star (Kimberly), dead at 34.
    While it is true that one should not judge another without
    walking a mile in their shoes, it disturbs me that Dana
    Plato destroyed her life the way she did. If I had been
    given all that Dana Plato had been given, I would have made
    a real life for myself and would not have succumbed to the
    tempations and travesty that she did. Many of us do not
    have it as easy as she did. Were I Dana Plato, I would
    have invested well the money she earned from "Diff'rent
    Strokes," married a nice man, produced children, and would
    now be living a happy and low-profile life somewhere on the
    Westside in L.A.: getting recognized once in a while while
    shopping at the Pavilions supermarket, taking my kids to
    school at Paul Revere Junior High School, going to Mazatlan
    on vacation, supporting my husband's career somewhere near
    the middle of the entertainment-industry totem pole,
    appearing dutifully for the E! "Where are they now?"
    people, etc. I would have loved to have Dana Plato's life,
    and I would have exceled as her.

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 18:49].

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  154. To: All American Bashers
    Created by: Proud American
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:41 Canberra Standard Time]

    If it weren't for a few inovative Americans, what would you
    all be driving? How would you all get to other countries so
    swiftly? How would you talk to all your far flung friends
    and families? How would you be reading this right now?

    Cars, airplanes, telephones, computers, movies, light-
    bulbs, and countless other American inventions have made
    your lives better each and every day.

    So, what have you to say to that?

    [Posts on this topic: 59. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:51].

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  155. Belgium
    Created by: waffle
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:18 Canberra Standard Time]

    What comes to your mind when anybody says 'Belgium' ?

    [Posts on this topic: 20. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:33].

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  156. The language trap
    Created by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:09 Canberra Standard Time]

    While living in Bahrain, I was warned not to go to a shop to
    buy a zipper and ask for a zip, as this was too much like
    the arabic word for the male organ (zib).

    Do you guys have any more tips on words to avoid when out
    travelling? or funny stories about words NOT avoided in

    [Posts on this topic: 41. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:20].

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  157. All sorts of stuff. (inside)
    Created by: Scott
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 21:57 Canberra Standard Time]

    Hi, why am i back here? We've got a new set of egocentric
    wankers.On the plus side,i don't bother going in unless
    it's posted by someone
    Sally,Debs,Hurricane,@play,Tabatha,RMM. there are more of
    you but names won't come to mind.
    Ok, I just had fun checking out Aussie Rules teams O/S. it
    seems that Nth America is catching up fast. NA Jeb was
    telling us more about playing for a carolina team below.
    O/wise i enjoyed the Copenhagen Crocs and the Tokyo Goannas
    (club song too!).
    So far my cards ain't worked,but it's early days..only 2
    attempts :).
    Nash, as some-one who comes from a broken home, until i got
    out of that situation,it was very hard to see melbourne,and
    Australia,in a positive light.It's very hard to change when
    everyone around you is negative,and there is no economic
    way out.So i can see your point,but it's an ind. thing.
    @play, what turns me on,if I remember rightly it's your
    post girls being natural,spontaneous,and
    generally eyes and voices have a big effect on me.
    Let's hope little Johnny Howard is hamstrung by princess
    Meg and we end up with a compassionate version of the GST.
    Dems get my vote next time though. the rest is forgotten so it can't have been too
    See you in a few days. SCOTT :)

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 9:17].

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  158. porn star names
    Created by: tearfull
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 23:03 Canberra Standard Time]

    an interesting way to work out what your name would be as a
    porn star is to use as a christian name the name of the
    first pet (be it a dog, cat, goldfish, aardvark etc) and as
    a surname the name of the first street you ever lived in.
    using this formula, my porn star name is charlie bimbadeen.
    what's yours?!

    [Posts on this topic: 48. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:16].

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  159. question for the war mongers
    Created by: curious
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 17:20 Canberra Standard Time]

    What is the difference between the situation in Sri Lanka
    and the situation in Yugoslavia? Would India therefore have
    a right according to your logic to unleash its own blood
    bath in Sri Lanka? or should bombing Sri Lanka be left to
    the ruling military dictactors (ie. USA) to use in future
    as a reinforcement of its "buy our weapons of we will
    create havoc in your region" policy.

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:02].

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  160. California
    Created by: uranus
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 21:36 Canberra Standard Time]

    Eight areas in California: Bakersfield, Chico-Paridise,
    Fresno, LA-Long Beach, Merced, Modesto, Oakland, Orange
    County. I have data on unemployment and labour force.
    Regardless of population, how would you group the eight
    areas together with respect of employment development? A
    weird question maybe for a travel forum, but I have no idea
    how those areas are located in California and the labour
    situation there... thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:18].

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  161. More interesting ALPHABET game
    Created by: controversial character
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 15:18 Canberra Standard Time]

    Give names of guys/girls you've dated, married, or slept with. Start from A. I will start.

    PS I don't know how many of you will participate :)

    [Posts on this topic: 291. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:13].

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  162. Canadian flag badges...
    Created by: The Scrutineer
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 8:43 Canberra Standard Time]

    O.K., I'm curious. How many Canadians posting on this site
    actually have a Canadian flag sewn onto their backpack?

    Is it just a stereotypical thing, or is it actually the
    norm? If you do have one, why? I've heard that many people
    do it to avoid being confused with Americans.

    [Posts on this topic: 27. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 5:52].

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  163. Anatomy 3 - The Sequel !
    Created by: Franτois (
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 3:12 Canberra Standard Time]

    Due to popular demand (oui, oui, I swear), let's open yet
    another steamy yet classic thread were we'll discuss all
    sorts of things related to love, sex and relationships (true
    handles are optional for the timid and discreet). So drop
    in, answer a few questions about yourself, ask a few more
    and let's get it going ! (oops, bad pun, again)

    [Posts on this topic: 334. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:07].

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  164. Taking a poll
    Created by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 13:32 Canberra Standard Time]

    When you see 12:00 midnight, does that indicate a.m., or
    I am having a mini-argument and need it settled.
    Incidently, I say--a.m.
    What is the bet, anyway dwardE?

    [Posts on this topic: 1051. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:37].

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  165. Milking our sexobsession
    Created by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sun 13 Sept, 22:22 Canberra Standard Time]

    Right, I'm not prude, especially not sexually.
    But: this media thing is just getting at me. What the hell
    is going on?!? Where ever I look I'm being bombarded with
    sexual images. In all shapes and forms, some suttle, some
    right in the face.
    I know that 20-25 years ago when I was a kid it just wasn't
    like that. So what has happened here? Is this what we call
    "sexual liberation"? Does this sex-obsessed western society
    need, or better can it handle this degree of daily
    And what about the next generations? They are being fed
    this food with mothers milk. Which degree of importance is
    sex going to have in their lifes/society?
    I don't think that this has much to do with appriciation of
    the human physique, but that it's pure reckless moneymaking.
    I mean it's kind of funny in one way, because most of us
    ( me included ) enjoy to see a halfnaked girl running
    around on our TV screen, advertising trainers or cornflakes
    or god knows what, and would probably miss to not see these
    images anymore. But what do they do subconciously?
    Jeez, it's a rainy day. Might have just got out the wrong
    side of bed this morning.

    [Posts on this topic: 562. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 13:47].

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  166. Which Country are You Calling From
    Created by: Curious
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 Jan, 12:29 Canberra Standard Time]

    After reading all the excellent comments about travel from so many different people, I just wondered............where are you all calling from??
    Because we all sit at home cloistered in our little house I think it would make interesting reading to see where you all are,
    SO,,,,,,,,, WHERE ARE YOU ALL?????

    [Posts on this topic: 795. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:07].

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